Distance from Kyrgyzstan to Romania

The distance between Kyrgyzstan and Romania is 3,991 kilometers (2,480 miles).

Kyrgyzstan, Asia

Romania, Europe

3,991 km

Distance between centroids

3,289 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

3,575 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Kyzyl-Kyya → Constanţa

Distances between Kyrgyzstan and Romania by cities:

City in Kyrgyzstan City in Romania Distance (kilometers)
Bishkek Cluj-Napoca 3,985 km
Talas Cluj-Napoca 3,826 km
Talas Bucharest 3,689 km
Kyzyl-Kyya Cluj-Napoca 3,926 km
Iradan Cluj-Napoca 3,923 km
Kyzyl-Kyya Constanţa 3,575 km
Uzgen Constanţa 3,647 km
Bazar-Korgon Bucharest 3,786 km
Kara-Balta Bucharest 3,802 km
Balykchy Cluj-Napoca 4,123 km
Balykchy Bucharest 3,996 km
Bishkek Bacău 3,742 km
Osh Constanţa 3,617 km
Naryn Constanţa 3,832 km
Osh Sector 6 3,818 km
Karakol Bucharest 4,164 km
Jalal-Abad Constanţa 3,617 km
Tash-Kumyr Sector 6 3,739 km
Tash-Kumyr Bucharest 3,732 km
Kara-Balta Constanţa 3,613 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Kyrgyzstan

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Kyrgyzstan to China 2,620 km
From Kyrgyzstan to India 2,319 km
From Kyrgyzstan to United States 11,280 km
From Kyrgyzstan to Indonesia 6,100 km
From Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan 1,297 km

Other distances from Romania

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Romania to China 6,492 km
From Romania to India 5,626 km
From Romania to United States 9,068 km
From Romania to Indonesia 9,992 km
From Romania to Pakistan 4,189 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Kyrgyzstan and Romania.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Moldova Yemen 3,991 km
Ethiopia Bulgaria 4,000 km
Bulgaria Ethiopia 4,000 km
Ethiopia Malta 3,975 km
Sweden Iran 4,005 km
Greece Togo 3,972 km
Bulgaria South Sudan 4,014 km
North Macedonia Burkina Faso 3,966 km
Haiti Bolivia 4,015 km
Moldova Pakistan 3,965 km
North Macedonia South Sudan 3,962 km
Nigeria Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,958 km
Kenya Iran 3,956 km
Papua New Guinea Fiji 4,024 km
Bulgaria Central African Republic 4,027 km

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