Distance from Liechtenstein to Democratic Republic of the Congo

The distance between Liechtenstein and Democratic Republic of the Congo is 5,797 kilometers (3,602 miles).

Liechtenstein, Europe

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa

5,797 km

Distance between centroids

5,722 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Balzers → Kinshasa

Distances between Liechtenstein and Democratic Republic of the Congo by cities:

City in Liechtenstein City in Democratic Republic of the Congo Distance (kilometers)
Triesen Lubumbashi 6,750 km
Schellenberg Kinshasa 5,740 km
Balzers Uvira 5,912 km
Triesenberg Lubumbashi 6,750 km
Vaduz Uvira 5,919 km
Vaduz Kinshasa 5,730 km
Triesen Uvira 5,916 km
Mauren Kinshasa 5,738 km
Ruggell Lubumbashi 6,763 km
Planken Uvira 5,923 km
Eschen Uvira 5,926 km
Ruggell Kinshasa 5,740 km
Gamprin Lubumbashi 6,762 km
Schellenberg Lubumbashi 6,762 km
Balzers Kinshasa 5,722 km
Eschen Kinshasa 5,737 km
Triesenberg Kinshasa 5,727 km
Schaan Kinshasa 5,733 km
Planken Kinshasa 5,734 km
Mauren Lubumbashi 6,761 km

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Other distances from Liechtenstein

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Liechtenstein to China 7,508 km
From Liechtenstein to India 6,814 km
From Liechtenstein to United States 8,090 km
From Liechtenstein to Indonesia 11,157 km
From Liechtenstein to Pakistan 5,375 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Liechtenstein and Democratic Republic of the Congo.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Sweden Benin 5,801 km
Kenya Mauritania 5,795 km
South Africa Yemen 5,792 km
Moldova Liberia 5,790 km
China Syria 5,812 km
Greece Zambia 5,813 km
Greece India 5,787 km
North Macedonia India 5,814 km
Puerto Rico Mauritania 5,817 km
Greece Nepal 5,781 km
China Saudi Arabia 5,776 km
El Salvador Chile 5,772 km
Kenya Nepal 5,837 km
Netherlands Sao Tome and Principe 5,759 km
Slovakia Democratic Republic of the Congo 5,843 km

More distances from Liechtenstein

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