Distance from Liechtenstein to North Korea

The distance between Liechtenstein and North Korea is 8,540 kilometers (5,306 miles).

Liechtenstein, Europe

North Korea, Asia

8,540 km

Distance between centroids

8,503 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Gamprin → Anju

Distances between Liechtenstein and North Korea by cities:

City in Liechtenstein City in North Korea Distance (kilometers)
Schellenberg Pyongyang 8,555 km
Gamprin Chongjin 8,526 km
Triesen Chongjin 8,534 km
Eschen Anju 8,503 km
Schellenberg Chongjin 8,523 km
Balzers Pyongyang 8,570 km
Mauren Pyongyang 8,556 km
Mauren Chongjin 8,524 km
Planken Anju 8,503 km
Schaan Syariin 8,608 km
Balzers Anju 8,515 km
Triesenberg Pyongyang 8,564 km
Vaduz Pyongyang 8,563 km
Ruggell Chongjin 8,524 km
Planken Pyongyang 8,559 km
Ruggell Pyongyang 8,556 km
Vaduz Anju 8,508 km
Schaan Pyongyang 8,562 km
Triesenberg Chongjin 8,533 km
Eschen Pyongyang 8,558 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Liechtenstein

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Liechtenstein to China 7,508 km
From Liechtenstein to India 6,814 km
From Liechtenstein to United States 8,090 km
From Liechtenstein to Indonesia 11,157 km
From Liechtenstein to Pakistan 5,375 km

Other distances from North Korea

Distances between countries Kilometers
From North Korea to China 2,098 km
From North Korea to India 5,073 km
From North Korea to United States 10,367 km
From North Korea to Indonesia 4,759 km
From North Korea to Pakistan 5,305 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Liechtenstein and North Korea.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Puerto Rico Libya 8,539 km
Kenya Macao 8,539 km
New Zealand Singapore 8,529 km
Bulgaria Guadeloupe 8,551 km
Puerto Rico North Macedonia 8,553 km
Kenya Brunei 8,556 km
Cuba Slovenia 8,521 km
Slovakia Mauritius 8,519 km
Kenya Iceland 8,516 km
Slovakia Reunion 8,510 km
Costa Rica United Kingdom 8,510 km
Puerto Rico Equatorial Guinea 8,570 km
Cuba Croatia 8,571 km
Slovakia United States 8,572 km
Cuba Togo 8,495 km

More distances from Liechtenstein

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