Distance from Liechtenstein to Republic of the Congo

The distance between Liechtenstein and Republic of the Congo is 5,286 kilometers (3,285 miles).

Liechtenstein, Europe

Republic of the Congo, Africa

5,286 km

Distance between centroids

5,468 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Schaan → Gamboma

Distances between Liechtenstein and Republic of the Congo by cities:

City in Liechtenstein City in Republic of the Congo Distance (kilometers)
Mauren Pointe-Noire 5,764 km
Eschen Brazzaville 5,730 km
Gamprin Djambala 5,537 km
Triesenberg Brazzaville 5,720 km
Schaan Gamboma 5,468 km
Triesen Pointe-Noire 5,752 km
Vaduz Djambala 5,528 km
Balzers Djambala 5,520 km
Eschen Djambala 5,536 km
Triesenberg Pointe-Noire 5,753 km
Schellenberg Pointe-Noire 5,766 km
Schaan Brazzaville 5,726 km
Planken Brazzaville 5,727 km
Vaduz Brazzaville 5,723 km
Planken Djambala 5,533 km
Gamprin Pointe-Noire 5,765 km
Ruggell Pointe-Noire 5,766 km
Mauren Brazzaville 5,731 km
Triesen Djambala 5,524 km
Ruggell Brazzaville 5,733 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Liechtenstein

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Liechtenstein to China 7,508 km
From Liechtenstein to India 6,814 km
From Liechtenstein to United States 8,090 km
From Liechtenstein to Indonesia 11,157 km
From Liechtenstein to Pakistan 5,375 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Liechtenstein and Republic of the Congo.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Slovakia Equatorial Guinea 5,288 km
El Salvador Paraguay 5,288 km
Kenya Italy 5,292 km
Nigeria Lithuania 5,285 km
Netherlands Afghanistan 5,285 km
Bulgaria Liberia 5,284 km
Nigeria Iran 5,297 km
China Kuwait 5,301 km
Kenya Liberia 5,306 km
Ethiopia Lithuania 5,311 km
Kenya Uzbekistan 5,314 km
Kenya Bosnia and Herzegovina 5,265 km
Uruguay Panama 5,263 km
Papua New Guinea Kiribati 5,256 km
Bulgaria Sierra Leone 5,255 km

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