Distance from Luxembourg to Democratic Republic of the Congo

The distance between Luxembourg and Democratic Republic of the Congo is 6,154 kilometers (3,824 miles).

Luxembourg, Europe

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa

6,154 km

Distance between centroids

5,082 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

5,604 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Bettembourg → Mbandaka

Distances between Luxembourg and Democratic Republic of the Congo by cities:

City in Luxembourg City in Democratic Republic of the Congo Distance (kilometers)
Strassen Kinshasa 6,043 km
Hagen Kinshasa 6,049 km
Differdange Lubumbashi 7,100 km
Esch-sur-Alzette Mwene-Ditu 6,486 km
Mamer Uvira 6,282 km
Belvaux Kinshasa 6,034 km
Bertrange Uvira 6,280 km
Pétange Uvira 6,280 km
Ettelbruck Kinshasa 6,068 km
Differdange Kinshasa 6,036 km
Pétange Kinshasa 6,039 km
Esch-sur-Alzette Kinshasa 6,031 km
Dudelange Uvira 6,266 km
Strassen Uvira 6,280 km
Mamer Kinshasa 6,045 km
Ettelbruck Lubumbashi 7,126 km
Beaufort Kinshasa 6,064 km
Diekirch Matadi 6,212 km
Hagen Uvira 6,287 km
Bettembourg Mbandaka 5,604 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Luxembourg

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Luxembourg to China 7,583 km
From Luxembourg to India 7,064 km
From Luxembourg to United States 7,714 km
From Luxembourg to Indonesia 11,345 km
From Luxembourg to Pakistan 5,617 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Luxembourg and Democratic Republic of the Congo.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Iran Angola 6,150 km
Kenya Spain 6,149 km
China Latvia 6,153 km
Haiti Guinea-Bissau 6,157 km
Haiti Senegal 6,161 km
Netherlands Uganda 6,162 km
Haiti Western Sahara 6,134 km
Sweden Ivory Coast 6,178 km
China Lebanon 6,119 km
Puerto Rico Morocco 6,117 km
Nigeria Reunion 6,116 km
Puerto Rico Guinea 6,189 km
Bulgaria Zambia 6,190 km
China Moldova 6,192 km
Moldova China 6,192 km

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