Distance from Luxembourg to Republic of the Congo

The distance between Luxembourg and Republic of the Congo is 5,622 kilometers (3,494 miles).

Luxembourg, Europe

Republic of the Congo, Africa

5,622 km

Distance between centroids

5,174 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

5,558 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Dudelange → Makoua

Distances between Luxembourg and Republic of the Congo by cities:

City in Luxembourg City in Republic of the Congo Distance (kilometers)
Schifflange Brazzaville 6,025 km
Pétange Brazzaville 6,032 km
Differdange Pointe-Noire 6,044 km
Ettelbruck Pointe-Noire 6,077 km
Esch-sur-Alzette Brazzaville 6,024 km
Beaufort Djambala 5,861 km
Bertrange Pointe-Noire 6,052 km
Diekirch Pointe-Noire 6,079 km
Mamer Brazzaville 6,038 km
Hagen Brazzaville 6,041 km
Bertrange Djambala 5,839 km
Bettembourg Makoua 5,562 km
Strassen Djambala 5,840 km
Dudelange Makoua 5,558 km
Mamer Djambala 5,841 km
Ettelbruck Brazzaville 6,061 km
Hagen Djambala 5,845 km
Differdange Brazzaville 6,028 km
Pétange Djambala 5,836 km
Strassen Brazzaville 6,036 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Luxembourg

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Luxembourg to China 7,583 km
From Luxembourg to India 7,064 km
From Luxembourg to United States 7,714 km
From Luxembourg to Indonesia 11,345 km
From Luxembourg to Pakistan 5,617 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Luxembourg and Republic of the Congo.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Netherlands Equatorial Guinea 5,615 km
Ethiopia Bhutan 5,612 km
Moldova Burundi 5,628 km
Moldova Sao Tome and Principe 5,642 km
Ethiopia Estonia 5,642 km
Kenya Sierra Leone 5,589 km
Ethiopia Belgium 5,654 km
Iran Morocco 5,655 km
Kenya Slovenia 5,585 km
Moldova Gabon 5,585 km
Moldova Guinea-Bissau 5,657 km
Puerto Rico Western Sahara 5,582 km
Ethiopia Mauritania 5,658 km
Greece Angola 5,581 km
Netherlands Djibouti 5,580 km

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