Distance from Maldives to North Korea

The distance between Maldives and North Korea is 6,812 kilometers (4,233 miles).

Maldives, Asia

North Korea, Asia

6,812 km

Distance between centroids

6,327 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Dhidhdhoo → Songnim

Distances between Maldives and North Korea by cities:

City in Maldives City in North Korea Distance (kilometers)
Male Pyongyang 6,520 km
Dhidhdhoo Anju 6,361 km
Viligili Pyongyang 6,791 km
Eydhafushi Songnim 6,464 km
Fuvahmulah Songnim 6,853 km
Vilufushi Pyongyang 6,665 km
Hithadhoo Songnim 6,903 km
Fuvahmulah Anju 6,897 km
Thinadhoo Pyongyang 6,843 km
Funadhoo Chongjin 6,812 km
Naifaru Pyongyang 6,434 km
Kulhudhuffushi Syariin 6,350 km
Hulhumale Chongjin 6,944 km
Guraidhoo Anju 6,697 km
Mahibadhoo Anju 6,613 km
Hithadhoo Anju 6,947 km
Funadhoo Pyongyang 6,387 km
Kulhudhuffushi Pyongyang 6,370 km
Maafushi Pyongyang 6,539 km
Hulhumale Pyongyang 6,514 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Maldives

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Maldives to China 4,818 km
From Maldives to India 2,022 km
From Maldives to United States 15,400 km
From Maldives to Indonesia 4,550 km
From Maldives to Pakistan 3,035 km

Other distances from North Korea

Distances between countries Kilometers
From North Korea to China 2,098 km
From North Korea to India 5,073 km
From North Korea to United States 10,367 km
From North Korea to Indonesia 4,759 km
From North Korea to Pakistan 5,305 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Maldives and North Korea.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Uruguay Senegal 6,813 km
Ethiopia Malaysia 6,813 km
China Somalia 6,816 km
Greece Botswana 6,803 km
Cuba Portugal 6,800 km
Bulgaria Myanmar 6,820 km
Cuba Argentina 6,798 km
Greece Sri Lanka 6,798 km
China Hungary 6,830 km
Netherlands Nepal 6,831 km
Sweden Gabon 6,785 km
Uruguay Guinea 6,783 km
Bulgaria Zimbabwe 6,847 km
Uruguay Bahamas 6,771 km
New Zealand Guam 6,769 km

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