Distance from Moldova to Germany

The distance between Moldova and Germany is 1,365 kilometers (848 miles).

Moldova, Europe

Germany, Europe

1,365 km

Distance between centroids

896 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

1,162 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Soroca → Berlin

Distances between Moldova and Germany by cities:

City in Moldova City in Germany Distance (kilometers)
Ungheni Berlin 1,188 km
Strășeni Munich 1,282 km
Comrat Wuppertal 1,667 km
Chisinau Wuppertal 1,646 km
Bender Wuppertal 1,697 km
Dubossary Berlin 1,271 km
Comrat Hamburg 1,557 km
Bender Berlin 1,317 km
Kaushany Berlin 1,325 km
Kaushany Wuppertal 1,702 km
Cahul Wuppertal 1,656 km
Strășeni Hamburg 1,498 km
Soroca Berlin 1,162 km
Rybniza Bochum 1,621 km
Byelcy Berlin 1,162 km
Yedintsy-Tyrg Wuppertal 1,488 km
Tiraspol Wuppertal 1,707 km
Cahul Berlin 1,301 km
Chadyr-Lunga Bochum 1,692 km
Byelcy Wuppertal 1,549 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Moldova

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Moldova to China 6,192 km
From Moldova to India 5,410 km
From Moldova to United States 9,126 km
From Moldova to Indonesia 9,738 km
From Moldova to Pakistan 3,965 km

Other distances from Germany

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Germany to China 7,242 km
From Germany to India 6,760 km
From Germany to United States 7,882 km
From Germany to Indonesia 11,014 km
From Germany to Pakistan 5,310 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Moldova and Germany.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Haiti Grenada 1,364 km
Netherlands Latvia 1,352 km
Haiti Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1,350 km
Puerto Rico Bahamas 1,348 km
Slovakia France 1,343 km
Nigeria Central African Republic 1,380 km
Bulgaria Lebanon 1,338 km
Greece Lebanon 1,383 km
Cuba Netherlands Antilles 1,385 km
Bulgaria Lithuania 1,388 km
Haiti Saint Lucia 1,330 km
El Salvador Jamaica 1,330 km
Moldova Italy 1,393 km
Sweden Belgium 1,393 km

More distances from Moldova

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