Distance from Norway to Democratic Republic of the Congo

The distance between Norway and Democratic Republic of the Congo is 7,246 kilometers (4,503 miles).

Norway, Europe

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa

7,246 km

Distance between centroids

5,982 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

6,632 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Ise → Kisangani

Distances between Norway and Democratic Republic of the Congo by cities:

City in Norway City in Democratic Republic of the Congo Distance (kilometers)
Tromsø Mbuji-Mayi 8,416 km
Rygge Kinshasa 7,075 km
Bodø Kinshasa 7,944 km
Stavanger Lubumbashi 8,072 km
Sola Uvira 7,211 km
Narvik Kinshasa 8,075 km
Narvik Tshikapa 8,308 km
Rygge Mbuji-Mayi 7,352 km
Bodø Uvira 7,927 km
Trondheim Lubumbashi 8,454 km
Sandnes Lubumbashi 8,059 km
Bergen Kinshasa 7,229 km
Ise Kinshasa 7,064 km
Fredrikstad Uvira 7,126 km
Sandnes Masina 7,063 km
Fredrikstad Lubumbashi 7,997 km
Sola Kinshasa 7,061 km
Oslo Lubumbashi 8,074 km
Trondheim Uvira 7,576 km
Drammen Uvira 7,195 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Norway

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Norway to China 6,908 km
From Norway to India 6,968 km
From Norway to United States 7,205 km
From Norway to Indonesia 10,924 km
From Norway to Pakistan 5,534 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Norway and Democratic Republic of the Congo.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Slovakia Sri Lanka 7,251 km
Puerto Rico Luxembourg 7,247 km
Uruguay Namibia 7,256 km
Ethiopia Mongolia 7,257 km
South Africa Lebanon 7,258 km
China Germany 7,242 km
Slovakia Mayotte 7,260 km
Iran Gambia 7,262 km
South Africa Tunisia 7,271 km
China Croatia 7,228 km
Moldova Laos 7,226 km
Sweden Myanmar 7,219 km
Netherlands Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 7,283 km
Slovakia Myanmar 7,216 km
Kenya Ireland 7,287 km

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