Distance from Puerto Rico to Bosnia and Herzegovina

The distance between Puerto Rico and Bosnia and Herzegovina is 8,176 kilometers (5,081 miles).

Puerto Rico, America

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

8,176 km

Distance between centroids

7,929 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

7,940 km

Shortest distance between major cities

San Isidro → Velika Kladuša

Distances between Puerto Rico and Bosnia and Herzegovina by cities:

City in Puerto Rico City in Bosnia and Herzegovina Distance (kilometers)
Levittown Bugojno 8,107 km
Corozal Trebinje 8,222 km
Caguas Sarajevo 8,187 km
Carolina Velika Kladuša 7,946 km
Bayamón Velika Kladuša 7,960 km
Ponce Sarajevo 8,249 km
Las Piedras Velika Kladuša 7,954 km
Carolina Sarajevo 8,169 km
Caguas Trebinje 8,208 km
Moca Sarajevo 8,260 km
Arecibo Sarajevo 8,223 km
San Lorenzo Cazin 7,975 km
Mayagüez Banja Luka 8,167 km
San Isidro Velika Kladuša 7,940 km
San Antonio Sarajevo 8,192 km
Arecibo Banja Luka 8,114 km
Mayagüez Sarajevo 8,276 km
San Juan Sarajevo 8,175 km
Santa Barbara Sarajevo 8,165 km
Levittown Sarajevo 8,182 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Puerto Rico

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Puerto Rico to China 13,941 km
From Puerto Rico to India 14,311 km
From Puerto Rico to United States 3,529 km
From Puerto Rico to Indonesia 18,075 km
From Puerto Rico to Pakistan 12,863 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Puerto Rico and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Costa Rica Ireland 8,183 km
Costa Rica Liberia 8,185 km
El Salvador Ireland 8,170 km
Costa Rica Morocco 8,191 km
Sweden Hong Kong 8,168 km
Netherlands Myanmar 8,159 km
Puerto Rico Nigeria 8,157 km
Sweden Macao 8,157 km
Sweden Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 8,206 km
Kenya Mongolia 8,206 km
Bulgaria Canada 8,154 km
Sweden Dominican Republic 8,153 km
Netherlands Mayotte 8,152 km
Netherlands Venezuela 8,213 km

More distances from Puerto Rico

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