Distance from Republic of the Congo to Burundi

The distance between Republic of the Congo and Burundi is 1,606 kilometers (998 miles).

Republic of the Congo, Africa

Burundi, Africa

1,606 km

Distance between centroids

1,293 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

1,374 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Impfondo → Bujumbura

Distances between Republic of the Congo and Burundi by cities:

City in Republic of the Congo City in Burundi Distance (kilometers)
Kayes Karuzi 1,879 km
Mossendjo Bubanza 1,855 km
Mossendjo Bujumbura 1,852 km
Kayes Bujumbura 1,788 km
Makoua Muyinga 1,667 km
Owando Bujumbura 1,531 km
Pointe-Noire Rumonge 1,953 km
Djambala Rumonge 1,640 km
Dolisie Bujumbura 1,857 km
Owando Cankuzo 1,658 km
Ouésso Bubanza 1,573 km
Kinkala Rumonge 1,630 km
Ouésso Cankuzo 1,700 km
Impfondo Rumonge 1,409 km
Madingou Bujumbura 1,758 km
Dolisie Muyinga 1,969 km
Brazzaville Rumonge 1,572 km
Madingou Muyinga 1,871 km
Loandjili Rumonge 1,953 km
Brazzaville Muyinga 1,680 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Burundi

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Burundi to China 8,824 km
From Burundi to India 5,972 km
From Burundi to United States 13,348 km
From Burundi to Indonesia 9,347 km
From Burundi to Pakistan 5,612 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Republic of the Congo and Burundi.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Greece Germany 1,610 km
Haiti Colombia 1,608 km
Greece Jordan 1,617 km
Costa Rica Haiti 1,602 km
Haiti Costa Rica 1,602 km
Greece Syria 1,599 km
China Bhutan 1,597 km
Greece Egypt 1,595 km
Kenya Mayotte 1,627 km
Costa Rica Netherlands Antilles 1,629 km
Sweden Switzerland 1,630 km
Netherlands Romania 1,588 km
Sweden Romania 1,633 km
Costa Rica Curacao 1,635 km
Netherlands Finland 1,640 km

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