Distance from Republic of the Congo to Czechia

The distance between Republic of the Congo and Czechia is 5,546 kilometers (3,446 miles).

Republic of the Congo, Africa

Czechia, Europe

5,546 km

Distance between centroids

4,973 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

5,287 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Ouésso → Trnava

Distances between Republic of the Congo and Czechia by cities:

City in Republic of the Congo City in Czechia Distance (kilometers)
Sibiti Prague 5,959 km
Kayes Jihlava 5,943 km
Kinkala Žilina 6,035 km
Owando Prague 5,606 km
Pointe-Noire Trnava 6,019 km
Sibiti Žilina 5,959 km
Dolisie Prague 6,017 km
Mossendjo Bor 5,835 km
Madingou Brno 5,918 km
Pointe-Noire Žilina 6,084 km
Ouésso Bor 5,339 km
Kayes Prague 6,017 km
Madingou Prague 6,011 km
Brazzaville Žilina 6,025 km
Gamboma Prague 5,760 km
Impfondo Prague 5,383 km
Makoua Brno 5,451 km
Gamboma Žilina 5,762 km
Djambala Trnava 5,752 km
Makoua Prague 5,551 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Czechia

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Czechia to China 6,985 km
From Czechia to India 6,393 km
From Czechia to United States 8,255 km
From Czechia to Indonesia 10,682 km
From Czechia to Pakistan 4,945 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Republic of the Congo and Czechia.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Netherlands South Sudan 5,553 km
Uruguay Costa Rica 5,543 km
Costa Rica Uruguay 5,543 km
Puerto Rico Guinea-Bissau 5,557 km
Netherlands Yemen 5,560 km
Bulgaria Cabo Verde 5,539 km
Slovakia Gabon 5,537 km
Puerto Rico Senegal 5,568 km
Sweden Burkina Faso 5,569 km
Ethiopia Spain 5,570 km
Kenya Hungary 5,526 km
Bulgaria India 5,523 km
Netherlands Russia 5,577 km
Uruguay Guadeloupe 5,521 km
Bulgaria Tanzania 5,520 km

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