Distance from Republic of the Congo to Faroe Islands

The distance between Republic of the Congo and Faroe Islands is 7,153 kilometers (4,445 miles).

Republic of the Congo, Africa

Faroe Islands, Europe

7,153 km

Distance between centroids

6,930 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Ouésso → Toftir

Distances between Republic of the Congo and Faroe Islands by cities:

City in Republic of the Congo City in Faroe Islands Distance (kilometers)
Makoua Tórshavn 7,132 km
Gamboma Tórshavn 7,341 km
Ouésso Toftir 6,930 km
Kayes Tórshavn 7,541 km
Owando Strendur 7,200 km
Owando Tórshavn 7,191 km
Makoua Klaksvík 7,150 km
Kayes Lervig 7,560 km
Madingou Tórshavn 7,540 km
Mossendjo Toftir 7,353 km
Dolisie Tórshavn 7,528 km
Djambala Strendur 7,399 km
Impfondo Saltangará 7,024 km
Brazzaville Klaksvík 7,606 km
Brazzaville Saltangará 7,597 km
Pointe-Noire Saltangará 7,586 km
Loandjili Saltangará 7,584 km
Kinkala Saltangará 7,597 km
Pointe-Noire Strendur 7,586 km
Gamboma Saltangará 7,351 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Faroe Islands

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Faroe Islands to China 7,548 km
From Faroe Islands to India 7,793 km
From Faroe Islands to United States 6,390 km
From Faroe Islands to Indonesia 11,644 km
From Faroe Islands to Pakistan 6,365 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Republic of the Congo and Faroe Islands.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Netherlands Barbados 7,148 km
Bulgaria Madagascar 7,154 km
Kenya Thailand 7,144 km
Slovakia Maldives 7,142 km
Kenya Malaysia 7,141 km
Sweden North Korea 7,135 km
Nigeria Maldives 7,165 km
Cuba Spain 7,167 km
Puerto Rico Ghana 7,167 km
Kenya Norway 7,169 km
Puerto Rico Belgium 7,131 km
Nigeria Brazil 7,171 km
Nigeria Suriname 7,171 km
Netherlands Martinique 7,122 km
Netherlands Angola 7,120 km

More distances from Republic of the Congo

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