Distance from Republic of the Congo to Iceland

The distance between Republic of the Congo and Iceland is 7,759 kilometers (4,821 miles).

Republic of the Congo, Africa

Iceland, Europe

7,759 km

Distance between centroids

7,202 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

7,522 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Impfondo → Egilsstaðir

Distances between Republic of the Congo and Iceland by cities:

City in Republic of the Congo City in Iceland Distance (kilometers)
Kinkala Reykjavík 8,180 km
Dolisie Kópavogur 8,099 km
Ouésso Sauðárkrókur 7,655 km
Brazzaville Egilsstaðir 8,083 km
Sibiti Reykjavík 8,066 km
Mossendjo Sauðárkrókur 8,053 km
Brazzaville Kópavogur 8,185 km
Mossendjo Reykjavík 7,969 km
Gamboma Egilsstaðir 7,840 km
Djambala Egilsstaðir 7,885 km
Sibiti Egilsstaðir 7,975 km
Impfondo Egilsstaðir 7,522 km
Madingou Reykjavík 8,122 km
Kinkala Egilsstaðir 8,081 km
Makoua Kópavogur 7,742 km
Pointe-Noire Álftanes 8,140 km
Kayes Reykjavík 8,120 km
Gamboma Reykjavík 7,950 km
Makoua Reykjavík 7,743 km
Loandjili Reykjavík 8,137 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Iceland

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From Iceland to China 7,797 km
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From Iceland to Indonesia 11,957 km
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Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Republic of the Congo and Iceland.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Uruguay Western Sahara 7,757 km
Netherlands Malawi 7,764 km
Haiti Ghana 7,767 km
Haiti Denmark 7,770 km
China Sudan 7,748 km
Sweden Laos 7,774 km
China Malta 7,775 km
Cuba Norway 7,745 km
Netherlands Suriname 7,740 km
Moldova Canada 7,781 km
Cuba Luxembourg 7,782 km
Haiti Switzerland 7,783 km
Moldova Botswana 7,732 km
Sweden Sri Lanka 7,731 km
China Solomon Islands 7,727 km

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