Distance from Republic of the Congo to Kazakhstan

The distance between Republic of the Congo and Kazakhstan is 7,258 kilometers (4,510 miles).

Republic of the Congo, Africa

Kazakhstan, Asia

7,258 km

Distance between centroids

5,428 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

6,827 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Kayes → Atyrau

Distances between Republic of the Congo and Kazakhstan by cities:

City in Republic of the Congo City in Kazakhstan Distance (kilometers)
Pointe-Noire Turkestan 7,759 km
Pointe-Noire Kokshetau 8,367 km
Ouésso Nur-Sultan 7,532 km
Loandjili Almaty 8,398 km
Impfondo Almaty 7,412 km
Sibiti Almaty 8,198 km
Sibiti Kokshetau 8,178 km
Owando Almaty 7,746 km
Makoua Shymkent 7,133 km
Djambala Kokshetau 7,989 km
Kinkala Kokshetau 8,161 km
Impfondo Kokshetau 7,406 km
Djambala Turkestan 7,364 km
Mossendjo Almaty 8,188 km
Kayes Almaty 8,245 km
Ouésso Turkestan 6,919 km
Kinkala Almaty 8,147 km
Dolisie Shymkent 7,700 km
Loandjili Kokshetau 8,365 km
Madingou Almaty 8,221 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Kazakhstan

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Kazakhstan to China 3,332 km
From Kazakhstan to India 3,229 km
From Kazakhstan to United States 10,421 km
From Kazakhstan to Indonesia 7,053 km
From Kazakhstan to Pakistan 1,970 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Republic of the Congo and Kazakhstan.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Slovakia Mayotte 7,260 km
South Africa Lebanon 7,258 km
Iran Gambia 7,262 km
Ethiopia Mongolia 7,257 km
Uruguay Namibia 7,256 km
Slovakia Sri Lanka 7,251 km
South Africa Tunisia 7,271 km
Puerto Rico Luxembourg 7,247 km
China Germany 7,242 km
Netherlands Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 7,283 km
Kenya Ireland 7,287 km
China Croatia 7,228 km
Uruguay South Africa 7,292 km
South Africa Uruguay 7,292 km
Moldova Laos 7,226 km

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