Distance from Republic of the Congo to South Korea

The distance between Republic of the Congo and South Korea is 11,991 kilometers (7,451 miles).

Republic of the Congo, Africa

South Korea, Asia

11,991 km

Distance between centroids

11,319 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

11,544 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Impfondo → Goyang-si

Distances between Republic of the Congo and South Korea by cities:

City in Republic of the Congo City in South Korea Distance (kilometers)
Ouésso Suwon 11,742 km
Madingou Seoul 12,351 km
Pointe-Noire Goyang-si 12,525 km
Madingou Busan 12,587 km
Djambala Changwon 12,339 km
Makoua Seoul 11,881 km
Brazzaville Goyang-si 12,194 km
Mossendjo Seoul 12,340 km
Kinkala Goyang-si 12,246 km
Ouésso Changwon 11,945 km
Makoua Busan 12,125 km
Gamboma Goyang-si 11,978 km
Sibiti Goyang-si 12,321 km
Kayes Seoul 12,377 km
Impfondo Seoul 11,559 km
Owando Seoul 11,892 km
Kayes Anyang-si 12,377 km
Pointe-Noire Changwon 12,744 km
Loandjili Seoul 12,539 km
Loandjili Goyang-si 12,524 km

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Other distances from South Korea

Distances between countries Kilometers
From South Korea to China 2,123 km
From South Korea to India 5,023 km
From South Korea to United States 10,766 km
From South Korea to Indonesia 4,309 km
From South Korea to Pakistan 5,405 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Republic of the Congo and South Korea.

From To Distance (kilometers)
New Zealand Mongolia 11,991 km
Haiti Uzbekistan 11,987 km
Puerto Rico Yemen 11,994 km
Cuba Burundi 11,986 km
Ethiopia Aruba 11,979 km
Cuba Turkmenistan 11,976 km
Cuba Fiji 11,969 km
New Zealand India 11,965 km
Papua New Guinea Malawi 11,964 km
El Salvador Central African Republic 11,962 km
Uruguay Fiji 12,020 km
Kenya Aruba 11,960 km
Haiti Lesotho 12,021 km
Haiti Ethiopia 12,029 km
Ethiopia Haiti 12,029 km

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