Distance from Republic of the Congo to Switzerland

The distance between Republic of the Congo and Switzerland is 5,265 kilometers (3,271 miles).

Republic of the Congo, Africa

Switzerland, Europe

5,265 km

Distance between centroids

4,753 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

4,967 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Ouésso → Lugano

Distances between Republic of the Congo and Switzerland by cities:

City in Republic of the Congo City in Switzerland Distance (kilometers)
Gamboma Zürich (Kreis 11) 5,509 km
Owando Luzern 5,318 km
Djambala Luzern 5,530 km
Dolisie Basel 5,755 km
Madingou Basel 5,758 km
Owando Zürich 5,349 km
Loandjili Zürich (Kreis 11) 5,789 km
Mossendjo Lugano 5,436 km
Makoua Zürich 5,292 km
Pointe-Noire Luzern 5,752 km
Djambala Zürich (Kreis 11) 5,569 km
Makoua Basel 5,326 km
Brazzaville Zürich (Kreis 11) 5,764 km
Sibiti Zürich 5,675 km
Ouésso Lugano 4,967 km
Kayes Zürich 5,732 km
Sibiti Zürich (Kreis 11) 5,681 km
Kayes Sankt Gallen 5,732 km
Ouésso Luzern 5,090 km
Impfondo Zürich 5,152 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Switzerland

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Switzerland to China 7,615 km
From Switzerland to India 6,915 km
From Switzerland to United States 8,031 km
From Switzerland to Indonesia 11,264 km
From Switzerland to Pakistan 5,478 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Republic of the Congo and Switzerland.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Uruguay Panama 5,263 km
Papua New Guinea Kiribati 5,256 km
Bulgaria Sierra Leone 5,255 km
Kenya Bosnia and Herzegovina 5,265 km
Uruguay Martinique 5,249 km
Kenya Romania 5,248 km
Netherlands Central African Republic 5,247 km
Nigeria United Kingdom 5,245 km
Netherlands Liberia 5,244 km
Nigeria Belarus 5,242 km
Netherlands Kyrgyzstan 5,241 km
Bulgaria Liberia 5,284 km
Nigeria Oman 5,235 km
Netherlands Afghanistan 5,285 km
Nigeria Lithuania 5,285 km

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