Distance from Republic of the Congo to Tajikistan

The distance between Republic of the Congo and Tajikistan is 7,107 kilometers (4,416 miles).

Republic of the Congo, Africa

Tajikistan, Asia

7,107 km

Distance between centroids

6,257 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

6,574 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Impfondo → Dushanbe

Distances between Republic of the Congo and Tajikistan by cities:

City in Republic of the Congo City in Tajikistan Distance (kilometers)
Dolisie Dushanbe 7,453 km
Kinkala Dushanbe 7,303 km
Pointe-Noire Ishqoshim 7,707 km
Impfondo Ishqoshim 6,721 km
Mossendjo Panjakent 7,307 km
Mossendjo Dushanbe 7,353 km
Loandjili Ishqoshim 7,706 km
Makoua Khujand 7,039 km
Kayes Dushanbe 7,405 km
Ouésso Khorugh 6,914 km
Dolisie Khujand 7,603 km
Madingou Dushanbe 7,380 km
Sibiti Dushanbe 7,359 km
Kinkala Ishqoshim 7,439 km
Brazzaville Khujand 7,410 km
Gamboma Dushanbe 7,021 km
Makoua Dushanbe 6,891 km
Djambala Khorugh 7,332 km
Impfondo Dushanbe 6,574 km
Owando Khorugh 7,083 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Tajikistan

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Tajikistan to China 2,919 km
From Tajikistan to India 2,155 km
From Tajikistan to United States 11,490 km
From Tajikistan to Indonesia 6,181 km
From Tajikistan to Pakistan 958 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Republic of the Congo and Tajikistan.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Sweden Burundi 7,110 km
China Bosnia and Herzegovina 7,109 km
Slovakia Comoros 7,116 km
Netherlands India 7,119 km
Sweden Democratic Republic of the Congo 7,120 km
Netherlands Angola 7,120 km
Netherlands Martinique 7,122 km
Papua New Guinea Mongolia 7,093 km
Puerto Rico Belgium 7,131 km
Sweden North Korea 7,135 km
Cuba United Kingdom 7,081 km
Kenya Malaysia 7,141 km
Slovakia Maldives 7,142 km
Kenya Thailand 7,144 km
Netherlands Barbados 7,148 km

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