Distance from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to Liberia

The distance between Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Liberia is 5,727 kilometers (3,559 miles).

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, America

Liberia, Africa

5,727 km

Distance between centroids

5,499 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Dovers → Robertsport

Distances between Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Liberia by cities:

City in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines City in Liberia Distance (kilometers)
Georgetown Tubmanburg 5,550 km
Chateaubelair Tubmanburg 5,563 km
Kingstown Park Tubmanburg 5,561 km
Dovers Monrovia 5,570 km
Port Elizabeth Fish Town 5,918 km
Byera Village Greenville 5,786 km
Byera Village Tubmanburg 5,550 km
Layou Greenville 5,802 km
Kingstown Park Monrovia 5,577 km
Dovers Robertsport 5,499 km
Kingstown Tubmanburg 5,561 km
Georgetown Monrovia 5,565 km
Port Elizabeth Monrovia 5,576 km
Kingstown Monrovia 5,576 km
Chateaubelair Monrovia 5,578 km
Biabou Tubmanburg 5,552 km
Layou Gbarnga 5,709 km
Barrouallie Tubmanburg 5,566 km
Biabou Monrovia 5,567 km
Barrouallie Monrovia 5,582 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Liberia

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Liberia to China 11,677 km
From Liberia to India 9,601 km
From Liberia to United States 9,256 km
From Liberia to Indonesia 13,716 km
From Liberia to Pakistan 8,579 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Liberia.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Costa Rica Argentina 5,728 km
Puerto Rico Uruguay 5,732 km
Uruguay Puerto Rico 5,732 km
Kenya Austria 5,733 km
Sweden Senegal 5,733 km
Netherlands Ethiopia 5,734 km
Ethiopia Netherlands 5,734 km
Sweden Nigeria 5,725 km
Nigeria Sweden 5,725 km
Moldova Democratic Republic of the Congo 5,736 km
Moldova Sierra Leone 5,742 km
Ethiopia Sierra Leone 5,746 km
Moldova Bhutan 5,746 km
Sweden Djibouti 5,712 km
Uruguay U.S. Virgin Islands 5,711 km

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