Distance from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to Moldova

The distance between Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Moldova is 8,933 kilometers (5,550 miles).

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, America

Moldova, Europe

8,933 km

Distance between centroids

8,841 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Dovers → Yedintsy-Tyrg

Distances between Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Moldova by cities:

City in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines City in Moldova Distance (kilometers)
Kingstown Strășeni 8,937 km
Kingstown Park Strășeni 8,937 km
Kingstown Park Chisinau 8,958 km
Biabou Chisinau 8,948 km
Dovers Yedintsy-Tyrg 8,841 km
Barrouallie Chisinau 8,955 km
Chateaubelair Chisinau 8,948 km
Layou Bender 9,007 km
Port Elizabeth Kaushany 9,018 km
Port Elizabeth Chisinau 8,970 km
Chateaubelair Strășeni 8,927 km
Dovers Chisinau 8,976 km
Layou Tiraspol 9,018 km
Biabou Strășeni 8,927 km
Byera Village Tiraspol 9,003 km
Barrouallie Strășeni 8,934 km
Georgetown Chisinau 8,940 km
Kingstown Chisinau 8,958 km
Byera Village Strășeni 8,921 km
Georgetown Strășeni 8,919 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Moldova

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Moldova to China 6,192 km
From Moldova to India 5,410 km
From Moldova to United States 9,126 km
From Moldova to Indonesia 9,738 km
From Moldova to Pakistan 3,965 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Moldova.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Cuba French Polynesia 8,930 km
Bulgaria Japan 8,931 km
Costa Rica France 8,925 km
Netherlands Nicaragua 8,924 km
Bulgaria Trinidad and Tobago 8,945 km
Slovakia Aruba 8,950 km
Costa Rica Burkina Faso 8,951 km
Slovakia Netherlands Antilles 8,908 km
Slovakia Curacao 8,908 km
Papua New Guinea Pakistan 8,907 km
Bulgaria Singapore 8,956 km
North Macedonia Haiti 8,958 km
Haiti North Macedonia 8,958 km
Puerto Rico Moldova 8,902 km

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