Distance from Sao Tome and Principe to Saint Kitts and Nevis

The distance between Sao Tome and Principe and Saint Kitts and Nevis is 7,825 kilometers (4,862 miles).

Sao Tome and Principe, Africa

Saint Kitts and Nevis, America

7,825 km

Distance between centroids

7,798 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Guadalupe → Newcastle

Distances between Sao Tome and Principe and Saint Kitts and Nevis by cities:

City in Sao Tome and Principe City in Saint Kitts and Nevis Distance (kilometers)
São Tomé Newcastle 7,809 km
Santo António Newcastle 7,838 km
São Tomé Dieppe Bay Town 7,836 km
Santo António Dieppe Bay Town 7,865 km
São João dos Angolares Newcastle 7,808 km
Trindade Basseterre 7,822 km
Guadalupe Newcastle 7,798 km
Trindade Dieppe Bay Town 7,832 km
São João dos Angolares Dieppe Bay Town 7,835 km
Guadalupe Dieppe Bay Town 7,825 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Sao Tome and Principe and Saint Kitts and Nevis.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Costa Rica French Polynesia 7,828 km
Uruguay Angola 7,823 km
Netherlands Guyana 7,843 km
Uruguay Mali 7,816 km
Sweden Maldives 7,813 km
Puerto Rico Niger 7,850 km
Uruguay Botswana 7,854 km
Costa Rica Iceland 7,854 km
Uruguay Gabon 7,854 km
Slovakia Laos 7,856 km
Costa Rica Mauritania 7,857 km
China United Kingdom 7,799 km
Uruguay Lesotho 7,797 km
China Iceland 7,797 km
Puerto Rico Italy 7,796 km

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