Distance from Senegal to Bosnia and Herzegovina

The distance between Senegal and Bosnia and Herzegovina is 4,462 kilometers (2,773 miles).

Senegal, Africa

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

4,462 km

Distance between centroids

4,191 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

4,256 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Matam → Velika Kladuša

Distances between Senegal and Bosnia and Herzegovina by cities:

City in Senegal City in Bosnia and Herzegovina Distance (kilometers)
Dakar Banja Luka 4,663 km
Ziguinchor Velika Kladuša 4,721 km
Thiès Sarajevo 4,640 km
Mbaké Sarajevo 4,572 km
Kolda Banja Luka 4,666 km
Bignona Velika Kladuša 4,696 km
Kaolack Sarajevo 4,638 km
Dakar Prijedor 4,645 km
Tiébo Banja Luka 4,590 km
Kolda Velika Kladuša 4,611 km
Saint-Louis Banja Luka 4,485 km
Touba Velika Kladuša 4,489 km
Matam Banja Luka 4,311 km
Matam Velika Kladuša 4,256 km
Tambacounda Velika Kladuša 4,455 km
Saint-Louis Sarajevo 4,505 km
Kaolack Velika Kladuša 4,564 km
Tiébo Sarajevo 4,607 km
Thiès Velika Kladuša 4,559 km
Tambacounda Zenica 4,511 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Senegal

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Senegal to China 11,499 km
From Senegal to India 9,804 km
From Senegal to United States 8,287 km
From Senegal to Indonesia 14,157 km
From Senegal to Pakistan 8,627 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Senegal and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Uruguay Venezuela 4,460 km
Cuba Bolivia 4,460 km
Netherlands Burkina Faso 4,467 km
New Zealand Kiribati 4,470 km
Greece Senegal 4,470 km
Greece Kyrgyzstan 4,447 km
Nigeria Iraq 4,475 km
Netherlands Iran 4,443 km
Greece Ivory Coast 4,439 km
Bulgaria Togo 4,482 km
Ethiopia Ukraine 4,436 km
Greece Somalia 4,488 km
Slovakia Burkina Faso 4,492 km
Greece Guinea 4,496 km
Kenya Armenia 4,498 km

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