Distance from Serbia to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

The distance between Serbia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is 8,406 kilometers (5,223 miles).

Serbia, Europe

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, America

8,406 km

Distance between centroids

8,250 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Subotica → Georgetown

Distances between Serbia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines by cities:

City in Serbia City in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Distance (kilometers)
Jagodina Layou 8,409 km
Subotica Georgetown 8,250 km
Kraljevo Port Elizabeth 8,376 km
Bor Layou 8,474 km
Leskovac Georgetown 8,455 km
Zrenjanin Layou 8,328 km
Kragujevac Georgetown 8,363 km
Niš Chateaubelair 8,458 km
Valjevo Port Elizabeth 8,309 km
Leskovac Layou 8,473 km
Novi Sad Port Elizabeth 8,298 km
Kraljevo Georgetown 8,347 km
Kruševac Layou 8,418 km
Zrenjanin Dovers 8,345 km
Kragujevac Barrouallie 8,378 km
Zemun Dovers 8,350 km
Niš Georgetown 8,449 km
Valjevo Georgetown 8,280 km
Belgrade Kingstown 8,339 km
Novi Pazar Layou 8,356 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Serbia

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Serbia to China 6,862 km
From Serbia to India 5,902 km
From Serbia to United States 8,998 km
From Serbia to Indonesia 10,305 km
From Serbia to Pakistan 4,479 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Serbia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

From To Distance (kilometers)
El Salvador Sierra Leone 8,413 km
Sweden Taiwan 8,403 km
Netherlands Namibia 8,417 km
Puerto Rico Latvia 8,401 km
Sweden Trinidad and Tobago 8,421 km
Slovakia French Guiana 8,424 km
Puerto Rico Lithuania 8,394 km
Sweden Mayotte 8,427 km
Puerto Rico Estonia 8,388 km
Puerto Rico Albania 8,435 km
Cuba Czechia 8,436 km
Puerto Rico Serbia 8,436 km
Uruguay Zimbabwe 8,439 km
Bulgaria Vietnam 8,379 km
Uruguay Cameroon 8,443 km

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