Distance from Sierra Leone to Bosnia and Herzegovina

The distance between Sierra Leone and Bosnia and Herzegovina is 4,856 kilometers (3,017 miles).

Sierra Leone, Africa

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

4,856 km

Distance between centroids

4,599 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

4,735 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Kabala → Velika Kladuša

Distances between Sierra Leone and Bosnia and Herzegovina by cities:

City in Sierra Leone City in Bosnia and Herzegovina Distance (kilometers)
Kambia Velika Kladuša 4,853 km
Lunsar Velika Kladuša 4,875 km
Port Loko Prijedor 4,913 km
Masaka Cazin 4,827 km
Makeni Velika Kladuša 4,829 km
Hastings Velika Kladuša 4,937 km
Largo Travnik 4,918 km
Largo Sarajevo 4,928 km
Freetown Velika Kladuša 4,932 km
Kent Sarajevo 4,976 km
Port Loko Banja Luka 4,924 km
Bo Sarajevo 4,934 km
Goderich Velika Kladuša 4,940 km
Kambia Sarajevo 4,894 km
Koidu Velika Kladuša 4,797 km
Kabala Sarajevo 4,770 km
Kent Velika Kladuša 4,937 km
Bo Banja Luka 4,943 km
Makeni Sarajevo 4,865 km
Lunsar Sarajevo 4,912 km

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Other distances from Sierra Leone

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Sierra Leone to China 11,729 km
From Sierra Leone to India 9,766 km
From Sierra Leone to United States 8,914 km
From Sierra Leone to Indonesia 13,958 km
From Sierra Leone to Pakistan 8,694 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Sierra Leone and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Cuba Brazil 4,860 km
Bulgaria Republic of the Congo 4,856 km
Netherlands Qatar 4,853 km
Kenya Turkmenistan 4,850 km
Netherlands Guinea 4,871 km
Netherlands Togo 4,842 km
Kenya Afghanistan 4,879 km
Papua New Guinea Samoa 4,879 km
Nigeria Ukraine 4,840 km
Nigeria Qatar 4,839 km
Netherlands Guinea-Bissau 4,837 km
Kenya Sri Lanka 4,836 km
Kenya North Macedonia 4,889 km
Netherlands Sudan 4,893 km
Kenya Ivory Coast 4,895 km

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