Distance from South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands to Sao Tome and Principe

The distance between South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands and Sao Tome and Principe is 7,225 kilometers (4,489 miles).

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Antarctic

Sao Tome and Principe, Africa

7,225 km

Distance between centroids

7,230 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Grytviken → Guadalupe

Distances between South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands and Sao Tome and Principe by cities:

City in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands City in Sao Tome and Principe Distance (kilometers)
Grytviken São Tomé 7,230 km
Grytviken Guadalupe 7,230 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands and Sao Tome and Principe.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Sweden Myanmar 7,219 km
Slovakia Myanmar 7,216 km
Moldova Laos 7,226 km
China Croatia 7,228 km
Bulgaria Botswana 7,204 km
China Germany 7,242 km
Cuba Sierra Leone 7,196 km
Puerto Rico Netherlands 7,196 km
Netherlands Puerto Rico 7,196 km
Puerto Rico Luxembourg 7,247 km
China Slovenia 7,191 km
Kenya United Kingdom 7,190 km
Slovakia Sri Lanka 7,251 km
Papua New Guinea Sri Lanka 7,188 km
Uruguay Namibia 7,256 km

More distances from South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

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