Distance from South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands to Trinidad and Tobago

The distance between South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands and Trinidad and Tobago is 7,579 kilometers (4,710 miles).

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Antarctic

Trinidad and Tobago, America

7,579 km

Distance between centroids

7,530 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Grytviken → San Fernando

Distances between South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands and Trinidad and Tobago by cities:

City in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands City in Trinidad and Tobago Distance (kilometers)
Grytviken San Fernando 7,530 km
Grytviken Port of Spain 7,573 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands and Trinidad and Tobago.

From To Distance (kilometers)
China Luxembourg 7,583 km
China Italy 7,584 km
Sweden South Korea 7,568 km
Nigeria Martinique 7,593 km
Nigeria Saint Lucia 7,594 km
Uruguay Burkina Faso 7,597 km
Cuba France 7,558 km
Greece Mauritius 7,558 km
Slovakia Zimbabwe 7,555 km
Uruguay Mauritania 7,605 km
Netherlands French Guiana 7,555 km
Puerto Rico Germany 7,552 km
New Zealand Indonesia 7,550 km
Netherlands Zambia 7,550 km
China Switzerland 7,615 km

More distances from South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

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