Distance from South Korea to Iran

The distance between South Korea and Iran is 6,671 kilometers (4,145 miles).

South Korea, Asia

Iran, Asia

6,671 km

Distance between centroids

5,660 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

5,881 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Suwon → Mashhad

Distances between South Korea and Iran by cities:

City in South Korea City in Iran Distance (kilometers)
Jeonju Tehran 6,658 km
Gwangju Pasragad Branch 6,956 km
Ansan-si Tehran 6,564 km
Changwon Ahvaz 7,254 km
Incheon Tehran 6,549 km
Ulsan Pasragad Branch 7,136 km
Busan Pasragad Branch 7,133 km
Goyang-si Ahvaz 7,003 km
Seongnam-si Tehran 6,585 km
Seoul Tehran 6,566 km
Goyang-si Pasragad Branch 6,836 km
Bucheon-si Ahvaz 7,004 km
Daegu Zahedan 6,265 km
Busan Tehran 6,847 km
Daejeon Tehran 6,654 km
Changwon Pasragad Branch 7,098 km
Ulsan Ahvaz 7,294 km
Seoul Pasragad Branch 6,852 km
Daegu Tehran 6,775 km
Suwon Orūmīyeh 6,994 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from South Korea

Distance between countries Kilometers
From South Korea to China 2,123 km
From South Korea to India 5,023 km
From South Korea to United States 10,766 km
From South Korea to Indonesia 4,309 km
From South Korea to Pakistan 5,405 km

Other distances from Iran

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Iran to China 4,622 km
From Iran to India 2,830 km
From Iran to United States 11,681 km
From Iran to Indonesia 7,304 km
From Iran to Pakistan 1,505 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between South Korea and Iran.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Puerto Rico United Kingdom 6,669 km
Slovakia Bangladesh 6,667 km
Tanzania France 6,664 km
Uruguay Gambia 6,664 km
China Poland 6,657 km
Cuba Gambia 6,655 km
Iran Ivory Coast 6,687 km
North Macedonia Maldives 6,652 km
Tanzania Belarus 6,690 km
China Djibouti 6,697 km
Sweden Republic of the Congo 6,698 km
Nigeria Pakistan 6,698 km
Papua New Guinea Bangladesh 6,699 km
Puerto Rico Ivory Coast 6,702 km

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