Distance from South Korea to Syria

The distance between South Korea and Syria is 7,753 kilometers (4,818 miles).

South Korea, Asia

Syria, Asia

7,753 km

Distance between centroids

7,135 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

7,650 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Incheon → Aleppo

Distances between South Korea and Syria by cities:

City in South Korea City in Syria Distance (kilometers)
Jeonju Damascus 7,997 km
Changwon Salamiyeh 8,004 km
Busan Tartouss 8,137 km
Seoul Tartouss 7,840 km
Daegu Sousse 7,680 km
Gwangju Manbij 7,715 km
Changwon Tartouss 8,102 km
Incheon Tartouss 7,825 km
Suwon Douma 7,896 km
Gwangju Tartouss 7,968 km
Ansan-si Tartouss 7,841 km
Suwon Damascus 7,908 km
Goyang-si Tartouss 7,824 km
Goyang-si Salamiyeh 7,727 km
Bucheon-si Salamiyeh 7,731 km
Bucheon-si Tartouss 7,828 km
Ansan-si Aleppo 7,666 km
Jeonju Aleppo 7,775 km
Seoul Aleppo 7,664 km
Busan Aleppo 7,963 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from South Korea

Distance between countries Kilometers
From South Korea to China 2,123 km
From South Korea to India 5,023 km
From South Korea to United States 10,766 km
From South Korea to Indonesia 4,309 km
From South Korea to Pakistan 5,405 km

Other distances from Syria

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Syria to China 5,812 km
From Syria to India 4,211 km
From Syria to United States 10,775 km
From Syria to Indonesia 8,690 km
From Syria to Pakistan 2,880 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between South Korea and Syria.

From To Distance (kilometers)
China Sudan 7,748 km
Cuba Norway 7,745 km
Uruguay Western Sahara 7,757 km
Netherlands Suriname 7,740 km
Netherlands Malawi 7,764 km
Sweden Sri Lanka 7,731 km
China Solomon Islands 7,727 km
Sweden Laos 7,774 km
China Malta 7,775 km
Bulgaria Mauritius 7,720 km
Cuba Luxembourg 7,782 km
Bulgaria Reunion 7,712 km
Greece South Africa 7,710 km
Puerto Rico Italy 7,796 km
Ethiopia Russia 7,797 km

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