Distance from Sweden to Isle of Man

The distance between Sweden and Isle of Man is 1,538 kilometers (955 miles).

Sweden, Europe

Isle of Man, Europe

1,538 km

Distance between centroids

1,084 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Göteborg → Ramsey

Distances between Sweden and Isle of Man by cities:

City in Sweden City in Isle of Man Distance (kilometers)
Malmö Douglas 1,131 km
Uppsala Santon 1,485 km
Gävle Port Saint Mary 1,497 km
Umeå Port Saint Mary 1,783 km
Stockholm Santon 1,494 km
Uppsala Douglas 1,478 km
Jönköping Santon 1,235 km
Örebro Santon 1,335 km
Helsingborg Santon 1,121 km
Malmö Ramsey 1,120 km
Haninge Douglas 1,487 km
Örebro Port Saint Mary 1,346 km
Borås Douglas 1,155 km
Eskilstuna Douglas 1,401 km
Västerås Port Saint Mary 1,430 km
Helsingborg Ramsey 1,102 km
Borås Santon 1,163 km
Jönköping Ramsey 1,213 km
Norrköping Lezayre 1,350 km
Västerås Douglas 1,411 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Sweden

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Sweden to China 6,394 km
From Sweden to India 6,409 km
From Sweden to United States 7,687 km
From Sweden to Indonesia 10,375 km
From Sweden to Pakistan 4,978 km

Other distances from Isle of Man

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Isle of Man to China 7,931 km
From Isle of Man to India 7,758 km
From Isle of Man to United States 6,836 km
From Isle of Man to Indonesia 11,885 km
From Isle of Man to Pakistan 6,308 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Sweden and Isle of Man.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Bulgaria Israel 1,540 km
Haiti Nicaragua 1,539 km
Costa Rica Aruba 1,536 km
Sweden Ukraine 1,536 km
Sweden Moldova 1,550 km
Netherlands Belarus 1,528 km
Slovakia Finland 1,523 km
Haiti Venezuela 1,519 km
Kenya Malawi 1,516 km
Sweden Slovenia 1,574 km
Bulgaria Latvia 1,575 km
Nigeria Ivory Coast 1,576 km
Netherlands Kosovo 1,579 km
Slovakia Norway 1,497 km
Uruguay Chile 1,495 km

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