Distance from Switzerland to North Korea

The distance between Switzerland and North Korea is 8,637 kilometers (5,367 miles).

Switzerland, Europe

North Korea, Asia

8,637 km

Distance between centroids

8,347 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

8,480 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Thal → Anju

Distances between Switzerland and North Korea by cities:

City in Switzerland City in North Korea Distance (kilometers)
Bern Chongjin 8,651 km
Lugano Chongjin 8,655 km
Zürich Pyongyang 8,598 km
Luzern Songdo 8,772 km
Genève Songdo 8,955 km
Sankt Gallen Chongjin 8,516 km
Lausanne Chongjin 8,728 km
Linden Pyongyang 8,686 km
Zürich (Kreis 11) Pyongyang 8,595 km
Thal Pyongyang 8,536 km
Zürich (Kreis 11) Anju 8,539 km
Koblenz Pyongyang 8,596 km
Basel Anju 8,579 km
Thal Anju 8,480 km
Luzern Pyongyang 8,636 km
Linden Anju 8,630 km
Zürich Anju 8,542 km
Lausanne Anju 8,712 km
Esslingen Pyongyang 8,596 km
Koblenz Chongjin 8,556 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Switzerland

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Switzerland to China 7,615 km
From Switzerland to India 6,915 km
From Switzerland to United States 8,031 km
From Switzerland to Indonesia 11,264 km
From Switzerland to Pakistan 5,478 km

Other distances from North Korea

Distances between countries Kilometers
From North Korea to China 2,098 km
From North Korea to India 5,073 km
From North Korea to United States 10,367 km
From North Korea to Indonesia 4,759 km
From North Korea to Pakistan 5,305 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Switzerland and North Korea.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Bulgaria Martinique 8,639 km
Sweden Vietnam 8,642 km
Uruguay Zambia 8,648 km
Sweden French Guiana 8,625 km
Bulgaria Barbados 8,624 km
Puerto Rico Greece 8,624 km
Cuba Benin 8,623 km
El Salvador Spain 8,623 km
Costa Rica Mali 8,617 km
Cuba Poland 8,611 km
Uruguay Democratic Republic of the Congo 8,603 km
El Salvador Guinea 8,602 km
Sweden Cambodia 8,602 km
Sweden Jamaica 8,601 km
Bulgaria U.S. Virgin Islands 8,680 km

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