Distance from Switzerland to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

The distance between Switzerland and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is 7,410 kilometers (4,604 miles).

Switzerland, Europe

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, America

7,410 km

Distance between centroids

7,208 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Genève → Georgetown

Distances between Switzerland and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines by cities:

City in Switzerland City in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Distance (kilometers)
Lausanne Port Elizabeth 7,279 km
Basel Layou 7,351 km
Sankt Gallen Port Elizabeth 7,497 km
Montana Layou 7,330 km
Lugano Port Elizabeth 7,452 km
Winterthur Layou 7,437 km
Winterthur Georgetown 7,419 km
Linden Georgetown 7,333 km
Zürich Kingstown Park 7,423 km
Koblenz Georgetown 7,384 km
Genève Georgetown 7,208 km
Koblenz Layou 7,401 km
Bern Layou 7,334 km
Lugano Layou 7,440 km
Thal Georgetown 7,482 km
Lausanne Georgetown 7,249 km
Zürich Byera Village 7,406 km
Bern Port Elizabeth 7,347 km
Luzern Georgetown 7,383 km
Sankt Gallen Georgetown 7,467 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Switzerland

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Switzerland to China 7,615 km
From Switzerland to India 6,915 km
From Switzerland to United States 8,031 km
From Switzerland to Indonesia 11,264 km
From Switzerland to Pakistan 5,478 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Switzerland and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Puerto Rico Switzerland 7,407 km
South Africa Malta 7,415 km
Moldova Thailand 7,422 km
Netherlands Dominican Republic 7,397 km
South Africa Syria 7,428 km
Ethiopia Vietnam 7,390 km
South Africa Iraq 7,390 km
Puerto Rico Norway 7,442 km
Moldova North Korea 7,443 km
Nigeria Barbados 7,445 km
Iran Lesotho 7,374 km
China Australia 7,448 km
Netherlands Grenada 7,367 km
Kenya Laos 7,367 km
Costa Rica Gambia 7,454 km

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