Distance from Syria to Switzerland

The distance between Syria and Switzerland is 2,893 kilometers (1,798 miles).

Syria, Asia

Switzerland, Europe

2,893 km

Distance between centroids

2,430 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

2,613 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Latakia → Zürich (Kreis 11)

Distances between Syria and Switzerland by cities:

City in Syria City in Switzerland Distance (kilometers)
Salamiyeh Zürich 2,734 km
Sousse Basel 3,124 km
Douma Luzern 2,795 km
Latakia Zürich (Kreis 11) 2,613 km
Ar Raqqah Zürich (Kreis 11) 2,815 km
Tartouss Zürich 2,660 km
Douma Zürich (Kreis 11) 2,796 km
Latakia Genève 2,744 km
Salamiyeh Basel 2,811 km
Deir ez-Zor Linden 2,984 km
Homs Zürich (Kreis 11) 2,735 km
Aleppo Winterthur 2,653 km
Tartouss Basel 2,737 km
Aleppo Bern 2,728 km
Adraa Zürich 2,842 km
Manbij Zürich (Kreis 11) 2,701 km
Manbij Zürich 2,697 km
Hamath Esslingen 2,690 km
Idlib Basel 2,718 km
Deir ez-Zor Basel 3,011 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Syria

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Syria to China 5,812 km
From Syria to India 4,211 km
From Syria to United States 10,775 km
From Syria to Indonesia 8,690 km
From Syria to Pakistan 2,880 km

Other distances from Switzerland

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Switzerland to China 7,615 km
From Switzerland to India 6,915 km
From Switzerland to United States 8,031 km
From Switzerland to Indonesia 11,264 km
From Switzerland to Pakistan 5,478 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Syria and Switzerland.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Sweden Armenia 2,883 km
Bulgaria Turkmenistan 2,883 km
El Salvador Guadeloupe 2,899 km
Iran Romania 2,876 km
Slovakia Iceland 2,904 km
North Macedonia Chad 2,913 km
Ethiopia Iran 2,915 km
Moldova Kazakhstan 2,863 km
China Tajikistan 2,919 km
Netherlands Cyprus 2,922 km
North Macedonia Saudi Arabia 2,922 km
Ethiopia Republic of the Congo 2,924 km
Slovakia Morocco 2,924 km
China Russia 2,855 km
Kenya Botswana 2,854 km

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