Distance from Trinidad and Tobago to Burkina Faso

The distance between Trinidad and Tobago and Burkina Faso is 6,499 kilometers (4,038 miles).

Trinidad and Tobago, America

Burkina Faso, Africa

6,499 km

Distance between centroids

6,050 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

6,158 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Sangre Grande → Banfora

Distances between Trinidad and Tobago and Burkina Faso by cities:

City in Trinidad and Tobago City in Burkina Faso Distance (kilometers)
Scarborough Garango 6,553 km
Mon Repos Hunde 6,324 km
Rio Claro Ouagadougou 6,502 km
Scarborough Ouagadougou 6,440 km
Point Fortin Bobo-Dioulasso 6,269 km
Chaguanas Ouagadougou 6,524 km
Arima Ouagadougou 6,508 km
Rio Claro Bobo-Dioulasso 6,212 km
Chaguanas Bobo-Dioulasso 6,236 km
San Fernando Garango 6,646 km
Marabella Kombissiri 6,555 km
Peñal Ouagadougou 6,535 km
Mon Repos Bobo-Dioulasso 6,242 km
Laventille Garango 6,644 km
Marabella Garango 6,643 km
San Fernando Ouagadougou 6,534 km
Sangre Grande Banfora 6,158 km
Arouca Bobo-Dioulasso 6,226 km
Paradise Garango 6,629 km
Port of Spain Ouagadougou 6,533 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Burkina Faso

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Burkina Faso to China 10,601 km
From Burkina Faso to India 8,572 km
From Burkina Faso to United States 9,564 km
From Burkina Faso to Indonesia 12,806 km
From Burkina Faso to Pakistan 7,512 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Trinidad and Tobago and Burkina Faso.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Costa Rica Cabo Verde 6,501 km
Uruguay Sierra Leone 6,506 km
China Romania 6,492 km
Iran Western Sahara 6,490 km
North Macedonia Mayotte 6,489 km
South Africa Maldives 6,512 km
Haiti Portugal 6,487 km
Uruguay Belize 6,513 km
Moldova Maldives 6,515 km
Uruguay Guatemala 6,485 km
Greece Zimbabwe 6,475 km
Netherlands Canada 6,475 km
Sweden Equatorial Guinea 6,526 km
Nigeria Uzbekistan 6,527 km
Uruguay Liberia 6,528 km

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