Distance from Trinidad and Tobago to Guinea

The distance between Trinidad and Tobago and Guinea is 5,638 kilometers (3,503 miles).

Trinidad and Tobago, America

Guinea, Africa

5,638 km

Distance between centroids

4,998 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

5,152 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Scarborough → Conakry

Distances between Trinidad and Tobago and Guinea by cities:

City in Trinidad and Tobago City in Guinea Distance (kilometers)
Marabella Télimélé 5,293 km
Peñal Conakry 5,238 km
Rio Claro Camayenne 5,204 km
Arima Télimélé 5,271 km
Scarborough Télimélé 5,207 km
Rio Claro Conakry 5,205 km
Port of Spain Camayenne 5,239 km
Point Fortin Conakry 5,261 km
San Fernando Conakry 5,237 km
Point Fortin Camayenne 5,260 km
Arima Conakry 5,214 km
Tunapuna Télimélé 5,283 km
Laventille Télimélé 5,295 km
Chaguanas Conakry 5,230 km
Arouca Camayenne 5,219 km
Mon Repos Camayenne 5,233 km
Scarborough Conakry 5,152 km
Sangre Grande Conakry 5,198 km
Mon Repos Mamou 5,400 km
Paradise Télimélé 5,280 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Guinea

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Guinea to China 11,448 km
From Guinea to India 9,494 km
From Guinea to United States 9,001 km
From Guinea to Indonesia 13,715 km
From Guinea to Pakistan 8,414 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Trinidad and Tobago and Guinea.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Moldova Sao Tome and Principe 5,642 km
Ethiopia Estonia 5,642 km
Thailand Kuwait 5,651 km
Moldova Burundi 5,628 km
Ethiopia Belgium 5,654 km
Iran Morocco 5,655 km
Iran Cambodia 5,655 km
Moldova Guinea-Bissau 5,657 km
Ethiopia Mauritania 5,658 km
China Micronesia 5,661 km
Netherlands Equatorial Guinea 5,615 km
Nigeria Estonia 5,666 km
Ethiopia Bhutan 5,612 km
Netherlands Pakistan 5,669 km
Slovakia Kenya 5,673 km

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