Distance from Ukraine to Bosnia and Herzegovina

The distance between Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina is 1,152 kilometers (716 miles).

Ukraine, Europe

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

1,152 km

Distance between centroids

423 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

793 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Lviv → Sarajevo

Distances between Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina by cities:

City in Ukraine City in Bosnia and Herzegovina Distance (kilometers)
Simferopol Velika Kladuša 1,439 km
Luhansk Banja Luka 1,738 km
Sevastopol Sarajevo 1,213 km
Sevastopol Banja Luka 1,292 km
Lviv Trebinje 904 km
Kryvyy Rih Sarajevo 1,249 km
Kherson Tuzla 1,112 km
Mariupol Cazin 1,683 km
Odessa Velika Kladuša 1,168 km
Kyiv Sarajevo 1,177 km
Donetsk Banja Luka 1,620 km
Odessa Sarajevo 1,016 km
Kharkiv Cazin 1,623 km
Donetsk Sarajevo 1,573 km
Simferopol Cazin 1,430 km
Zaporizhzhya Sarajevo 1,372 km
Sumy Bugojno 1,508 km
Kyiv Banja Luka 1,182 km
Chernihiv Cazin 1,348 km
Kharkiv Velika Kladuša 1,622 km

Distance between cities calculator →

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Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Costa Rica Jamaica 1,158 km
Slovakia Estonia 1,158 km
Nigeria Gabon 1,141 km
Greece Turkey 1,161 km
Netherlands Hungary 1,163 km
North Macedonia Poland 1,163 km
Cuba Honduras 1,135 km
Sweden Czechia 1,165 km
Puerto Rico Jamaica 1,133 km
Bulgaria Poland 1,127 km
Nigeria Burkina Faso 1,173 km
Ethiopia Yemen 1,124 km
Sweden Germany 1,121 km
Greece Cyprus 1,120 km
Slovakia Belgium 1,118 km

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