Distance from Ukraine to Republic of the Congo

The distance between Ukraine and Republic of the Congo is 5,585 kilometers (3,471 miles).

Ukraine, Europe

Republic of the Congo, Africa

5,585 km

Distance between centroids

4,738 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

5,303 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Simferopol → Makoua

Distances between Ukraine and Republic of the Congo by cities:

City in Ukraine City in Republic of the Congo Distance (kilometers)
Zaporizhzhya Brazzaville 6,090 km
Kherson Djambala 5,723 km
Simferopol Makoua 5,303 km
Sevastopol Pointe-Noire 5,882 km
Zaporizhzhya Pointe-Noire 6,258 km
Donetsk Pointe-Noire 6,374 km
Kryvyy Rih Djambala 5,876 km
Donetsk Brazzaville 6,196 km
Simferopol Djambala 5,601 km
Dnipro Djambala 5,984 km
Chernihiv Mossendjo 6,286 km
Sumy Brazzaville 6,393 km
Chernihiv Makoua 5,895 km
Mariupol Makoua 5,635 km
Mariupol Brazzaville 6,095 km
Kyiv Brazzaville 6,237 km
Kharkiv Djambala 6,174 km
Kharkiv Makoua 5,876 km
Kryvyy Rih Brazzaville 6,044 km
Odessa Brazzaville 5,825 km

Distance between cities calculator →

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From Ukraine to Indonesia 9,539 km
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Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Ukraine and Republic of the Congo.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Kenya Sierra Leone 5,589 km
Kenya Slovenia 5,585 km
Moldova Gabon 5,585 km
Puerto Rico Western Sahara 5,582 km
Greece Angola 5,581 km
Netherlands Djibouti 5,580 km
Netherlands Russia 5,577 km
Ethiopia Spain 5,570 km
Sweden Burkina Faso 5,569 km
Puerto Rico Senegal 5,568 km
Ethiopia Bhutan 5,612 km
Netherlands Equatorial Guinea 5,615 km
Netherlands Yemen 5,560 km
Puerto Rico Guinea-Bissau 5,557 km
Netherlands South Sudan 5,553 km

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