Distance from Vanuatu to North Korea

The distance between Vanuatu and North Korea is 7,395 kilometers (4,595 miles).

Vanuatu, Oceania

North Korea, Asia

7,395 km

Distance between centroids

7,103 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

7,281 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Sola → Chongjin

Distances between Vanuatu and North Korea by cities:

City in Vanuatu City in North Korea Distance (kilometers)
Port-Olry Namp’o 7,365 km
Port-Vila Pyongyang 7,689 km
Saratamata Namp’o 7,443 km
Lakatoro Pyongyang 7,485 km
Isangel Anju 7,964 km
Luganville Chongjin 7,417 km
Port-Vila Anju 7,741 km
Port-Olry Pyongyang 7,368 km
Sola Anju 7,342 km
Norsup Hienhing 7,448 km
Isangel Pyongyang 7,911 km
Lakatoro Anju 7,537 km
Saratamata Anju 7,496 km
Norsup Chongjin 7,482 km
Luganville Pyongyang 7,417 km
Sola Chongjin 7,281 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Vanuatu

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Vanuatu to China 8,699 km
From Vanuatu to India 10,404 km
From Vanuatu to United States 11,669 km
From Vanuatu to Indonesia 6,044 km
From Vanuatu to Pakistan 11,581 km

Other distances from North Korea

Distances between countries Kilometers
From North Korea to China 2,098 km
From North Korea to India 5,073 km
From North Korea to United States 10,367 km
From North Korea to Indonesia 4,759 km
From North Korea to Pakistan 5,305 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Vanuatu and North Korea.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Ethiopia Vietnam 7,390 km
South Africa Iraq 7,390 km
Netherlands Dominican Republic 7,397 km
Iran Lesotho 7,374 km
Puerto Rico Switzerland 7,407 km
Netherlands Grenada 7,367 km
Kenya Laos 7,367 km
South Africa Malta 7,415 km
Netherlands Bahamas 7,364 km
Slovakia Canada 7,361 km
Moldova Thailand 7,422 km
Cuba Guinea 7,357 km
Moldova Zimbabwe 7,357 km
Nigeria Kyrgyzstan 7,354 km
South Africa Cyprus 7,353 km

More distances from Vanuatu

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