Distance from Wallis and Futuna to Germany

The distance between Wallis and Futuna and Germany is 15,800 kilometers (9,818 miles).

Wallis and Futuna, Oceania

Germany, Europe

15,800 km

Distance between centroids

15,498 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Vaitupu → Hamburg

Distances between Wallis and Futuna and Germany by cities:

City in Wallis and Futuna City in Germany Distance (kilometers)
Halalo Bremen 15,575 km
Mata-Utu Bochum 15,756 km
Falaleu Hamburg 15,505 km
Akaka Berlin 15,568 km
Vaitupu Berlin 15,563 km
Liku Berlin 15,567 km
Alele Berlin 15,565 km
Leava Berlin 15,642 km
Leava Hamburg 15,591 km
Alele Hamburg 15,500 km
Halalo Berlin 15,575 km
Utufua Wuppertal 15,788 km
Falaleu Berlin 15,570 km
Akaka Hamburg 15,504 km
Mata-Utu Wuppertal 15,782 km
Alo Hamburg 15,593 km
Utufua Berlin 15,575 km
Vaitupu Hamburg 15,498 km
Alo Wuppertal 15,879 km
Liku Wuppertal 15,780 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Wallis and Futuna

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Wallis and Futuna to China 9,904 km
From Wallis and Futuna to India 11,968 km
From Wallis and Futuna to United States 10,183 km
From Wallis and Futuna to Indonesia 7,720 km
From Wallis and Futuna to Pakistan 13,019 km

Other distances from Germany

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Germany to China 7,242 km
From Germany to India 6,760 km
From Germany to United States 7,882 km
From Germany to Indonesia 11,014 km
From Germany to Pakistan 5,310 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Wallis and Futuna and Germany.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Chad Solomon Islands 15,800 km
New Caledonia Hungary 15,799 km
Vanuatu Belgium 15,804 km
French Polynesia Lithuania 15,805 km
Papua New Guinea Benin 15,795 km
Papua New Guinea Colombia 15,794 km
Vanuatu Luxembourg 15,813 km
Vanuatu Croatia 15,786 km
Cyprus Kiribati 15,818 km
Moldova Samoa 15,821 km
New Zealand Armenia 15,828 km
Haiti Sri Lanka 15,830 km
Costa Rica Bhutan 15,835 km
Vanuatu Ireland 15,763 km
Cuba Maldives 15,843 km

More distances from Wallis and Futuna

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