Distance from Zambia to French Southern Territories

The distance between Zambia and French Southern Territories is 5,513 kilometers (3,426 miles).

Zambia, Africa

French Southern Territories, Antarctic

5,513 km

Distance between centroids

5,046 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

5,234 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Chipata → Port-aux-Français

Distances between Zambia and French Southern Territories by cities:

City in Zambia City in French Southern Territories Distance (kilometers)
Kalulushi Port-aux-Français 5,582 km
Kabwe Port-aux-Français 5,415 km
Kafue Port-aux-Français 5,313 km
Kasama Port-aux-Français 5,640 km
Mazabuka Port-aux-Français 5,333 km
Livingstone Port-aux-Français 5,281 km
Lusaka Port-aux-Français 5,339 km
Kitwe Port-aux-Français 5,579 km
Chingola Port-aux-Français 5,624 km
Mufulira Port-aux-Français 5,600 km
Chipata Port-aux-Français 5,234 km
Ndola Port-aux-Français 5,538 km
Luanshya Port-aux-Français 5,536 km
Mpika Port-aux-Français 5,472 km
Chililabombwe Port-aux-Français 5,643 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Zambia

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Zambia to China 9,664 km
From Zambia to India 6,722 km
From Zambia to United States 13,850 km
From Zambia to Indonesia 9,572 km
From Zambia to Pakistan 6,552 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Zambia and French Southern Territories.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Ethiopia Liberia 5,510 km
Costa Rica Canada 5,509 km
Sweden Yemen 5,506 km
Ethiopia Guinea 5,505 km
Ethiopia Morocco 5,503 km
Slovakia Sao Tome and Principe 5,518 km
Puerto Rico Gambia 5,502 km
Bulgaria Tanzania 5,520 km
Uruguay Guadeloupe 5,521 km
Bulgaria India 5,523 km
Kenya Hungary 5,526 km
Netherlands Oman 5,489 km
Kenya Tajikistan 5,488 km
Ethiopia Bangladesh 5,533 km
Slovakia Gabon 5,537 km

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