Distance from Zambia to Syria

The distance between Zambia and Syria is 5,434 kilometers (3,377 miles).

Zambia, Africa

Syria, Asia

5,434 km

Distance between centroids

4,540 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

5,016 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Kasama → Tartouss

Distances between Zambia and Syria by cities:

City in Zambia City in Syria Distance (kilometers)
Chipata Tartouss 5,381 km
Chingola Salamiyeh 5,350 km
Lusaka Aleppo 5,788 km
Livingstone Salamiyeh 5,968 km
Mazabuka Aleppo 5,846 km
Kitwe Aleppo 5,505 km
Kabwe Salamiyeh 5,549 km
Ndola Salamiyeh 5,383 km
Luanshya Salamiyeh 5,406 km
Kabwe Tartouss 5,516 km
Luanshya Tartouss 5,373 km
Kasama Tartouss 5,016 km
Kalulushi Aleppo 5,511 km
Chililabombwe Tartouss 5,299 km
Chingola Tartouss 5,316 km
Mazabuka Tartouss 5,682 km
Mpika Aleppo 5,350 km
Kafue Damascus 5,521 km
Mufulira Tartouss 5,312 km
Kitwe Salamiyeh 5,373 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Zambia

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Zambia to China 9,664 km
From Zambia to India 6,722 km
From Zambia to United States 13,850 km
From Zambia to Indonesia 9,572 km
From Zambia to Pakistan 6,552 km

Other distances from Syria

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Syria to China 5,812 km
From Syria to India 4,211 km
From Syria to United States 10,775 km
From Syria to Indonesia 8,690 km
From Syria to Pakistan 2,880 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Zambia and Syria.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Slovakia Republic of the Congo 5,431 km
Slovakia Liberia 5,427 km
Papua New Guinea North Korea 5,434 km
Bulgaria Nepal 5,434 km
Slovakia Somalia 5,437 km
Sweden Mongolia 5,421 km
China Timor Leste 5,442 km
Moldova Republic of the Congo 5,417 km
Bulgaria Russia 5,445 km
Moldova India 5,410 km
Ethiopia Germany 5,409 km
Kenya Ukraine 5,403 km
Cuba Paraguay 5,398 km
Moldova Ivory Coast 5,463 km
Moldova Rwanda 5,470 km

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