Distance from Zimbabwe to North Korea

The distance between Zimbabwe and North Korea is 12,049 kilometers (7,487 miles).

Zimbabwe, Africa

North Korea, Asia

12,049 km

Distance between centroids

11,300 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

11,575 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Mutare → Pyongyang

Distances between Zimbabwe and North Korea by cities:

City in Zimbabwe City in North Korea Distance (kilometers)
Chinhoyi Anju 11,682 km
Chinhoyi Chongjin 12,061 km
Harare Chongjin 12,023 km
Epworth Pyongyang 11,632 km
Chiredzi Wi-ju 11,712 km
Masvingo Pyongyang 11,802 km
Mutare Pyongyang 11,575 km
Marondera Anju 11,623 km
Glendale Hienhing 11,772 km
Bulawayo Anju 12,003 km
Gweru Songdo 11,892 km
Chegutu Chongjin 12,119 km
Norton Pyongyang 11,670 km
Kwekwe Hungyam 11,988 km
Chiredzi Songnim 11,779 km
Chegutu Pyongyang 11,734 km
Chitungwiza Pyongyang 11,646 km
Harare Pyongyang 11,636 km
Glendale Chongjin 11,989 km
Masvingo Songnim 11,786 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Other distances from Zimbabwe

Distance between countries Kilometers
From Zimbabwe to China 9,955 km
From Zimbabwe to India 6,978 km
From Zimbabwe to United States 14,334 km
From Zimbabwe to Indonesia 9,438 km
From Zimbabwe to Pakistan 6,957 km

Other distances from North Korea

Distances between countries Kilometers
From North Korea to China 2,098 km
From North Korea to India 5,073 km
From North Korea to United States 10,367 km
From North Korea to Indonesia 4,759 km
From North Korea to Pakistan 5,305 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Zimbabwe and North Korea.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Haiti Tonga 12,050 km
Cuba Saudi Arabia 12,054 km
Netherlands Argentina 12,041 km
Costa Rica Russia 12,062 km
Cuba Uzbekistan 12,037 km
Ethiopia Micronesia 12,065 km
Papua New Guinea Jordan 12,066 km
Papua New Guinea Tanzania 12,033 km
Costa Rica Palestinian Territory 12,068 km
Papua New Guinea Turkey 12,068 km
Costa Rica Lebanon 12,031 km
Uruguay Lebanon 12,069 km
Papua New Guinea Finland 12,069 km
Cuba Uganda 12,031 km
Ethiopia Haiti 12,029 km

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