Distance from Behshahr to Zahedan (Iran)

The distance between Behshahr, Māzandarān and Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchestan is 1,049 kilometers (652 miles)

Country: Iran

Region: Māzandarān

City: Behshahr

Country: Iran

Region: Sistan and Baluchestan

City: Zahedan

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 3-4 days
Motorcycle 1-2 days
Car 1-2 days
Airplane 1-2 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h

Behshahr, Iran

Local time:

Coordinates: 36.6924° N 53.5526° E

Nearby airports:
  • Dasht-e Naz Airport (SRY)
  • Gorgan Airport (GBT)
  • Semnan Municipal Airport (SNX)
  • Shahrud Airport (RUD)
  • Kalaleh Airport (KLM)

Zahedan, Iran

Local time:

Coordinates: 29.4963° N 60.8629° E

Nearby airports:
  • Zahedan International Airport (ZAH)
  • Zabol Airport (ACZ)
  • Zaranj Airport (ZAJ)
  • Bam Airport (BXR)
  • Iranshahr Airport (IHR)

Other distances from Behshahr

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Behshahr to Tehran 221 km
From Behshahr to Mashhad 544 km
From Behshahr to Isfahan 480 km
From Behshahr to Karaj 249 km
From Behshahr to Tabriz 661 km

Other distances from Zahedan

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Zahedan to Tehran 1,121 km
From Zahedan to Mashhad 763 km
From Zahedan to Isfahan 944 km
From Zahedan to Karaj 1,161 km
From Zahedan to Tabriz 1,648 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of Iran that are at equal or similar distances as between Behshahr and Zahedan.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Iztapalapa, Mexico Villa Nueva, Guatemala 1,049 km
Iztapalapa, Mexico Guatemala City, Guatemala 1,049 km
Cochabamba, Bolivia San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina 1,049 km
El Paso, United States Riverside, United States 1,049 km
Mesa, United States Cuilacan, Mexico 1,049 km
Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic Barquisimeto, Venezuela 1,049 km
Iztapalapa, Mexico Cuilacan, Mexico 1,049 km
Mixco, Guatemala Venustiano Carranza, Mexico 1,050 km
Coyoacán, Mexico Mixco, Guatemala 1,050 km
Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico Cuilacan, Mexico 1,050 km
Nova Iguaçu, Brazil Caxias do Sul, Brazil 1,050 km
Trujillo, Peru Pasto, Colombia 1,050 km
Charlotte, United States Miami, United States 1,050 km
Mérida, Mexico Reynosa, Mexico 1,050 km
Houston, United States Chihuahua, Mexico 1,050 km
Denver, United States Arlington, United States 1,050 km
Medellín, Colombia Guayaquil, Ecuador 1,050 km
Guatemala City, Guatemala Xochimilco, Mexico 1,047 km
Xochimilco, Mexico Villa Nueva, Guatemala 1,047 km

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