Distance from Berscheid to Lima

The distance between Berscheid, Germany and Lima, Peru is 10,549 kilometers (6,555 miles)

Country: Germany

Region: Rheinland-Pfalz

City: Berscheid

Country: Peru

Region: Lima

City: Lima

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 16-18 hours
Jet fighter 10-12 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Berscheid, Germany

Local time:

Coordinates: 49.9833° N 6.2333° E

Nearby airports:
  • Bitburg Airport (BBJ)
  • Spangdahlem Air Base (SPM)
  • Luxembourg Findel Airport (LUX)
  • Frankfurt-Hahn Airport (HHN)
  • Liège Airport (LGG)

Lima, Peru

Local time:

Coordinates: 12.0432° S 77.0282° W

Nearby airports:
  • Jorge Chávez International Airport (LIM)
  • Santa Maria Airport (SMG)
  • Francisco Carle Airport (JAU)
  • Capitán FAP Renán Elías Olivera Airport (PIO)
  • Alférez FAP David Figueroa Fernandini Airport (HUU)

Other distances from Berscheid

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Berscheid to Berlin 575 km
From Berscheid to Hamburg 474 km
From Berscheid to Munich 441 km
From Berscheid to Frankfurt am Main 176 km
From Berscheid to Essen 173 km

Other distances from Lima

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Lima to Arequipa 764 km
From Lima to Callao 10 km
From Lima to Trujillo 487 km
From Lima to Chiclayo 660 km
From Lima to Iquitos 1,007 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Berscheid and Lima.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Montevideo, Uruguay Oakland, United States 10,549 km
Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Brazil Vancouver, Canada 10,549 km
Valencia, Spain San Juan, Argentina 10,548 km
Bucharest, Romania Carapicuíba, Brazil 10,550 km
Bucharest, Romania Santos, Brazil 10,550 km
Oakland, United States Juiz de Fora, Brazil 10,548 km
Bucharest, Romania Diadema, Brazil 10,548 km
Portland, United States Ribeirão Preto, Brazil 10,550 km
Tokyo, Japan Zaragoza, Spain 10,548 km
Bucharest, Romania Osasco, Brazil 10,547 km
Duque de Caxias, Brazil Stockton, United States 10,551 km
Cairo, Egypt Curitiba, Brazil 10,551 km
Barcelona, Spain Córdoba, Argentina 10,547 km
Tianjin, China Ottawa, Canada 10,551 km
Kharkiv, Ukraine Ensenada, Mexico 10,551 km
Berlin, Germany Curitiba, Brazil 10,552 km
Seoul, South Korea Paso del Norte, Mexico 10,546 km
Taipei, Taiwan Zaragoza, Spain 10,546 km
Kyiv, Ukraine Brasília, Brazil 10,552 km

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