Distance from Boston to Tokyo

The distance between Boston, United States and Tokyo, Japan is 10,816 kilometers (6,720 miles).

Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Tokyo, Japan

Boston is located in the northeastern United States while Tokyo is situated in eastern Asia, requiring transpacific travel. The straight-line distance between them is 10,816 kilometers, heading northwest.

Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Boston at 38 meters above sea level and Tokyo at 44 meters.

Travel information


The journey from Boston to Tokyo crosses the North American continent and the Pacific Ocean, highlighting the vast expanse between the two cities.

Best time to travel

Travel in spring or autumn to Tokyo for pleasant sightseeing and cultural events, avoiding the summer heat and winter cold.


Tokyo has a humid subtropical climate with hot summers and mild winters, differing from Boston's humid continental climate.


Tokyo offers extensive public transportation and accessible facilities, more advanced than Boston's infrastructure.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 16-18 hours
Jet fighter 10-12 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Boston, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/New_York

Coordinates: 42.3584° N 71.0598° W

Elevation: 38 m (125 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Logan International Airport (BOS)
  • Norwood Memorial Airport (OWD)
  • Laurence G Hanscom Field (BED)
  • Beverly Municipal Airport (BVY)
  • Lawrence Municipal Airport (LWM)
Tokyo, Japan

Local time:

Time Zone: Asia/Tokyo

Coordinates: 35.6895° N 139.6917° E

Elevation: 44 m (144 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Tokyo International Airport (HND)
  • Yokota Air Base (OKO)
  • Atsugi Naval Air Facility (NJA)
  • Narita International Airport (NRT)
  • Hyakuri Airport (IBR)

Other distances from Boston

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Boston to New York City 306 km
From Boston to Los Angeles 4,179 km
From Boston to Chicago 1,371 km
From Boston to Houston 2,583 km
From Boston to Phoenix 3,701 km

Other distances from Tokyo

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Tokyo to Yokohama 29 km
From Tokyo to Osaka 397 km
From Tokyo to Nagoya 259 km
From Tokyo to Sapporo 831 km
From Tokyo to Fukuoka 881 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Boston and Tokyo.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Madrid, Spain Taipei, Taiwan 10,815 km
Shenzhen, China Málaga, Spain 10,817 km
Kyiv, Ukraine Cuautitlán Izcalli, Mexico 10,818 km
Abuja, Nigeria Arlington, United States 10,814 km
Kyiv, Ukraine Mazatlán, Mexico 10,814 km
Hanoi, Vietnam Benin City, Nigeria 10,818 km
San Salvador, El Salvador Kyiv, Ukraine 10,814 km
Glasgow, United Kingdom San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina 10,818 km
Tokyo, Japan South Boston, United States 10,818 km
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico Kyiv, Ukraine 10,814 km
Leeds, United Kingdom San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina 10,819 km
Jakarta, Indonesia Honolulu, United States 10,813 km
Seattle, United States Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea 10,819 km
Edmonton, Canada Kumasi, Ghana 10,820 km
Kyiv, Ukraine Mixco, Guatemala 10,812 km
Seattle, United States Campinas, Brazil 10,820 km
Cochabamba, Bolivia Prague, Czechia 10,820 km
Villa Nueva, Guatemala Kyiv, Ukraine 10,821 km
Berlin, Germany Chiclayo, Peru 10,822 km

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