Distance from Busko-Zdrój to Rio de Janeiro

The distance between Busko-Zdrój, Poland and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is 10,258 kilometers (6,374 miles)

Country: Poland

Region: Świętokrzyskie

City: Busko-Zdrój

Country: Brazil

Region: Rio de Janeiro

City: Rio de Janeiro

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 14-16 hours
Jet fighter 10-12 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Busko-Zdrój, Poland

Local time:

Coordinates: 50.4708° N 20.7188° E

Nearby airports:
  • John Paul II International Airport Kraków–Balice (KRK)
  • Rzeszów–Jasionka Airport (RZE)
  • Radom-Sadków Airport (RDO)
  • Katowice International Airport (KTW)
  • Poprad-Tatry Airport (TAT)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Local time:

Coordinates: 22.9064° S 43.1822° W

Nearby airports:
  • Santos Dumont Airport (SDU)
  • Rio de Janeiro-Galeão International Airport (GIG)
  • Jacarepagua-Roberto Marinho Airport (RRJ)
  • Aeroclube Airport (QNV)
  • Santa Cruz Air Force Base (SNZ)

Other distances from Busko-Zdrój

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Busko-Zdrój to Warsaw 197 km
From Busko-Zdrój to Łódź 169 km
From Busko-Zdrój to Poznań 340 km
From Busko-Zdrój to Gdańsk 454 km
From Busko-Zdrój to Szczecin 536 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Busko-Zdrój and Rio de Janeiro.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Rome, Italy Azcapotzalco, Mexico 10,258 km
Rome, Italy Xico, Mexico 10,258 km
Istanbul, Turkey Goiânia, Brazil 10,258 km
Budapest, Hungary Santos, Brazil 10,258 km
Mexico City, Mexico Rome, Italy 10,258 km
Rome, Italy Cuauhtémoc, Mexico 10,258 km
Baghdad, Iraq Columbus, United States 10,259 km
Rome, Italy Iztacalco, Mexico 10,259 km
Baghdad, Iraq Milwaukee, United States 10,259 km
Shenzhen, China Vancouver, Canada 10,257 km
Rome, Italy Iztapalapa, Mexico 10,259 km
Seoul, South Korea Lincoln, United States 10,260 km
Asunción, Paraguay Sheffield, United Kingdom 10,256 km
Rome, Italy Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico 10,256 km
Shenzhen, China Zaragoza, Spain 10,256 km
Lagos, Nigeria Guatemala City, Guatemala 10,256 km
Hamburg, Germany Campo Grande, Brazil 10,260 km
Kyiv, Ukraine San Diego, United States 10,260 km

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