Distance from Cachan to Melbourne

The distance between Cachan, France and Melbourne, Australia is 16,790 kilometers (10,433 miles)

Country: France

Region: Île-de-France

City: Cachan

Country: Australia

Region: Victoria

City: Melbourne

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 16-18 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Cachan, France

Local time:

Coordinates: 48.7963° N 2.3366° E

Nearby airports:
  • Paris Orly Airport (ORY)
  • Villacoublay-Vélizy (BA 107) Air Base (VIY)
  • Toussus-le-Noble Airport (TNF)
  • Paris–Le Bourget Airport (LBG)
  • Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG)

Melbourne, Australia

Local time:

Coordinates: 37.814° S 144.9633° E

Nearby airports:
  • Essendon Airport (MEB)
  • Melbourne Airport (MEL)
  • Melbourne Moorabbin Airport (MBW)
  • Avalon Airport (AVV)
  • Geelong Airport (GEX)

Other distances from Cachan

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Cachan to Paris 6 km
From Cachan to Marseille 655 km
From Cachan to Lyon 388 km
From Cachan to Toulouse 581 km
From Cachan to Nice 682 km

Other distances from Melbourne

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Melbourne to Sydney 714 km
From Melbourne to Brisbane 1,373 km
From Melbourne to Perth 2,727 km
From Melbourne to Adelaide 655 km
From Melbourne to Gold Coast 1,345 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Cachan and Melbourne.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Delhi, India Callao, Peru 16,789 km
Nanchong, China Belo Horizonte, Brazil 16,791 km
Chennai, India Villa Nueva, Guatemala 16,791 km
Tokyo, Japan João Pessoa, Brazil 16,792 km
Melbourne, Australia Paris, France 16,788 km
Chiclayo, Peru Navi Mumbai, India 16,794 km
Perth, Australia Corpus Christi, United States 16,795 km
Nanjing, China Trujillo, Peru 16,785 km
Nanjing, China Manaus, Brazil 16,796 km
Dhaka, Bangladesh Asunción, Paraguay 16,796 km
Nanchong, China Ribeirão das Neves, Brazil 16,797 km
Chennai, India Mixco, Guatemala 16,781 km
Delhi, India Lima, Peru 16,780 km
Shenzhen, China Pereira, Colombia 16,800 km
Trujillo, Peru Navi Mumbai, India 16,780 km
Mumbai, India Chiclayo, Peru 16,779 km
Shenzhen, China Manizales, Colombia 16,779 km
Shenzhen, China São Luís, Brazil 16,801 km

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