Distance from Cúcuta to Memphis

The distance between Cúcuta, Colombia and Memphis, United States is 3,510 kilometers (2,181 miles).

Cúcuta, Norte de Santander Department, Colombia

Memphis, Tennessee, United States

From Cúcuta to Memphis, the straight-line distance is 3,510 kilometers, heading northwest. Cúcuta is situated at an altitude of 309 meters above sea level, while Memphis is at 84 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 12-15 days
Motorcycle 4-5 days
Car 3-4 days
Airplane 5-6 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h
Cúcuta, Colombia

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Bogota

Coordinates: 7.8939° N 72.5078° W

Elevation: 309 m (1,014 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Camilo Daza International Airport (CUC)
  • San Antonio Del Tachira Airport (SVZ)
  • San Cristóbal Paramillo Airport (SCI)
  • La Fría Airport (LFR)
  • Mayor Buenaventura Vivas Airport (STD)
Memphis, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Chicago

Coordinates: 35.1495° N 90.049° W

Elevation: 84 m (276 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Memphis International Airport (MEM)
  • Millington-Memphis Airport (NQA)
  • Olive Branch Airport (OLV)
  • Tunica Municipal Airport (UTM)
  • Tunica Municipal Airport (UTA)

Other distances from Cúcuta

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Cúcuta to Bogotá 403 km
From Cúcuta to Cali 664 km
From Cúcuta to Medellín 383 km
From Cúcuta to Barranquilla 422 km
From Cúcuta to Cartagena 431 km

Other distances from Memphis

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Memphis to New York City 1,537 km
From Memphis to Los Angeles 2,581 km
From Memphis to Chicago 773 km
From Memphis to Houston 778 km
From Memphis to Phoenix 2,032 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Cúcuta and Memphis.

From To Distance (kilometers)
New York City, United States Barcelona, Venezuela 3,510 km
Vancouver, Canada New Orleans, United States 3,510 km
Maracaibo, Venezuela South Boston, United States 3,510 km
San Salvador, El Salvador Tijuana, Mexico 3,511 km
Managua, Nicaragua Mesa, United States 3,509 km
Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico Valencia, Venezuela 3,509 km
Las Vegas, United States Miami, United States 3,509 km
Rome, Italy Kaduna, Nigeria 3,511 km
Prague, Czechia Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain 3,509 km
Valencia, Venezuela Cuautitlán Izcalli, Mexico 3,511 km
Ottawa, Canada San Pedro Sula, Honduras 3,511 km
Brampton, Canada Sacramento, United States 3,511 km
Caracas, Venezuela Fortaleza, Brazil 3,512 km
Seattle, United States Atlanta, United States 3,512 km
Tehran, Iran Berlin, Germany 3,512 km
Boston, United States Maracaibo, Venezuela 3,512 km
Montréal, Canada Mesa, United States 3,513 km
Charlotte, United States Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela 3,507 km
Rosario, Argentina Chiclayo, Peru 3,513 km

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