Distance from Dededo Village to Beaufort

The distance between Dededo Village, Guam and Beaufort, Luxembourg is 11,907 kilometers (7,398 miles)

Country: Guam

Region: Dededo

City: Dededo Village

Country: Luxembourg

Region: Echternach

City: Beaufort

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 18-20 hours
Jet fighter 12-14 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Dededo Village, Guam

Local time:

Coordinates: 13.5178° N 144.8391° E

Nearby airports:
  • Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport (GUM)
  • Andersen Air Force Base (UAM)
  • Rota International Airport (ROP)
  • Rota International Airport (GRO)
  • Tinian International Airport (TIQ)

Beaufort, Luxembourg

Local time:

Coordinates: 49.8358° N 6.2917° E

Nearby airports:
  • Bitburg Airport (BBJ)
  • Luxembourg Findel Airport (LUX)
  • Spangdahlem Air Base (SPM)
  • Frankfurt-Hahn Airport (HHN)
  • Metz-Frescaty (BA 128) Air Base (MZM)

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Dededo Village and Beaufort.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Nanjing, China Arlington, United States 11,907 km
Las Vegas, United States Gold Coast, Australia 11,906 km
Chengdu, China South Boston, United States 11,906 km
Brisbane, Australia Las Vegas, United States 11,909 km
Wuhan, China Boston, United States 11,909 km
Lagos, Nigeria Mesa, United States 11,904 km
Baghdad, Iraq Sacramento, United States 11,910 km
Nanjing, China Philadelphia, United States 11,903 km
Chengdu, China Boston, United States 11,903 km
Budapest, Hungary La Plata, Argentina 11,911 km
Kyiv, Ukraine Caxias do Sul, Brazil 11,902 km
Tianjin, China Reynosa, Mexico 11,902 km
Baghdad, Iraq Cuiabá, Brazil 11,912 km
Wuhan, China South Boston, United States 11,912 km
Nanchong, China South Boston, United States 11,902 km
Warsaw, Poland Salta, Argentina 11,913 km
Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic Nairobi, Kenya 11,901 km
Buenos Aires, Argentina Budapest, Hungary 11,914 km

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