Distance from Dededo Village to Kharkiv

The distance between Dededo Village, Guam and Kharkiv, Ukraine is 10,149 kilometers (6,306 miles)

Country: Guam

Region: Dededo

City: Dededo Village

Country: Ukraine

Region: Kharkiv

City: Kharkiv

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 14-16 hours
Jet fighter 10-12 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Dededo Village, Guam

Local time:

Coordinates: 13.5178° N 144.8391° E

Nearby airports:
  • Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport (GUM)
  • Andersen Air Force Base (UAM)
  • Rota International Airport (ROP)
  • Rota International Airport (GRO)
  • Tinian International Airport (TIQ)

Kharkiv, Ukraine

Local time:

Coordinates: 49.9808° N 36.2527° E

Nearby airports:
  • Kharkiv International Airport (HRK)
  • Belgorod International Airport (EGO)
  • Suprunovka Airport (PLV)
  • Kramatorsk Airport (KRQ)
  • Myrhorod Airport (MXR)

Other distances from Kharkiv

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Kharkiv to Kyiv 412 km
From Kharkiv to Donetsk 245 km
From Kharkiv to Odessa 564 km
From Kharkiv to Dnipro 190 km
From Kharkiv to Lviv 878 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Dededo Village and Kharkiv.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Mumbai, India Sydney, Australia 10,149 km
Warsaw, Poland San José, Costa Rica 10,149 km
Baghdad, Iraq Feira de Santana, Brazil 10,149 km
Istanbul, Turkey Arlington, United States 10,149 km
Callao, Peru Nottingham, United Kingdom 10,149 km
Hamburg, Germany Santos, Brazil 10,149 km
Vienna, Austria Coacalco, Mexico 10,148 km
Tianjin, China Santa Ana, United States 10,150 km
Mendoza, Argentina Sevilla, Spain 10,148 km
Kharkiv, Ukraine Valencia, Venezuela 10,150 km
Goiânia, Brazil Seattle, United States 10,148 km
Istanbul, Turkey Manaus, Brazil 10,150 km
Shanghai, China Valencia, Spain 10,148 km
Moscow, Russia Santa Catarina, Mexico 10,150 km
Ribeirão Preto, Brazil Oakland, United States 10,150 km
Baghdad, Iraq Toledo, United States 10,148 km
Cali, Colombia Budapest, Hungary 10,148 km
Vienna, Austria Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico 10,148 km
Warsaw, Poland Villa Nueva, Guatemala 10,148 km

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