Distance from Denver to Albuquerque (United States)

The distance between Denver, Colorado and Albuquerque, New Mexico is 537 kilometers (334 miles).

Denver, Colorado, United States

Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Denver is located in Colorado, while Albuquerque is situated in New Mexico, both in the western United States, connected by a variety of transportation options across diverse landscapes. The straight-line distance between them is 537 kilometers, heading south.

Denver is situated at an altitude of 1,636 meters above sea level, while Albuquerque is at 1,513 meters.

Driving route

The drive from Denver to Albuquerque follows I-25 South, passing through Colorado Springs and Santa Fe, offering views of the Rocky Mountains and high desert landscapes before reaching the city.

Lugares de interés en la ruta: Rocky Mountains, Colorado Springs, Santa Fe, Sandia Mountains.

Travel information


The trip from Denver to Albuquerque crosses the Rocky Mountains and high desert, with landmarks like Santa Fe and Sandia Mountains along the route.

Best time to travel

Travel in spring or fall for moderate temperatures and fewer tourists, or in winter for skiing opportunities in nearby areas.


Albuquerque generally has a warmer and drier climate compared to Denver, with more sunny days and less snowfall in winter.


Albuquerque offers accessible public transport and attractions, similar to Denver, with facilities for people with mobility challenges.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 1-2 days
Motorcycle 8-10 hours
Car 6-8 hours
Helicopter 2-3 hours
Airplane 45-60 minutes
Speed Time
30 km/h
60 km/h
90 km/h
120 km/h
Denver, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Denver

Coordinates: 39.7392° N 104.9847° W

Elevation: 1,636 m (5,367 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Buckley Air Force Base (BKF)
  • Buckley Air Force Base (BFK)
  • Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport (BJC)
  • Centennial Airport (APA)
  • Denver International Airport (DEN)
Albuquerque, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Denver

Coordinates: 35.0845° N 106.6511° W

Elevation: 1,513 m (4,964 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ)
  • Santa Fe Municipal Airport (SAF)
  • Los Alamos County Airport (LAM)
  • Grants-Milan Municipal Airport (GNT)
  • Socorro Municipal Airport (ONM)

Other distances from Denver

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Denver to New York City 2,625 km
From Denver to Los Angeles 1,338 km
From Denver to Chicago 1,479 km
From Denver to Houston 1,413 km
From Denver to Phoenix 943 km

Other distances from Albuquerque

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Albuquerque to New York City 2,921 km
From Albuquerque to Los Angeles 1,069 km
From Albuquerque to Chicago 1,815 km
From Albuquerque to Houston 1,213 km
From Albuquerque to Phoenix 531 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of United States that are at equal or similar distances as between Denver and Albuquerque.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Brussels, Belgium Manchester, United Kingdom 537 km
Montréal, Canada Queens, United States 537 km
Glasgow, United Kingdom Reading, United Kingdom 537 km
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico Mesa, United States 538 km
Columbus, United States Nashville, United States 536 km
Lagos, Nigeria Abuja, Nigeria 536 km
Washington, United States Hamilton, Canada 538 km
Guatemala City, Guatemala Managua, Nicaragua 539 km
Philadelphia, United States Hamilton, Canada 535 km
Jaipur, India Ahmedabad, India 539 km
Managua, Nicaragua Villa Nueva, Guatemala 539 km
Tijuana, Mexico Fresno, United States 535 km
Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico Saltillo, Mexico 539 km
Zaragoza, Spain Córdoba, Spain 535 km
Ottawa, Canada New York City, United States 540 km
Mississauga, Canada Baltimore, United States 540 km
Milwaukee, United States Cleveland, United States 540 km
New York City, United States Laval, Canada 540 km
Torreón, Mexico Guadalajara, Mexico 540 km

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